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"Push off Zabini. I don't want to talk about." I hushed across the table, after the meal finished everyone tried to bring up last night. Something I would rather have obliviated from memory. "Don't be a tosser about it."

"Just because you're letting it slide under the rug, sure as Godrick Malfoy and I won't be, nor Nott." He spat back.

Not only had the boys turned sourly stubborn but the girls weren't much better. "He's right Lyria, I really think you should report it. I mean I don't want to be sharing a common room with a fucking molester." Pansy chipped in with a lingering sense of rage hanging from her tongue.

"What and you think she does? Get a grip Parkinson this isn't about us. Its about her." Draco called slamming his hand into the table out of frustration listening to everyone say their part. "I don't care what you want Lyria. You are not a pushover. He has got to go! Not only for your sake but Abbotts too. Don't think he won't try it on someone new next time."

"I know! Don't think I don't know that but Draco please just give me time to deal with it." I pleaded back. Gaining a grunt from Theo as he shook his head with a smile. "What's so funny huh? Sure isn't that broken hand of yours."

"Not broken, even if it was it'd be worth it. Just laughing at the fact you think this will go away. You want time to deal with it? Yes?." He asked as i nodded my head. "What you going to do? You just sat and said you want to forget about it?"

My hands found their way to my hair, clenching my locks as my head swirled in frustration. "Of course i want to forget about it. I don't know alright?." I snapped back at them all using my hands to push off the table and leave them behind.

"We're not done here Lupin!" Draco shouted after me.

Still walking away, i looked back airing an insulting look "Well I'm done so i'll see youse around." raising both middle fingers back at them all.

I could hear Draco huff as he sat down once more, i think he has finally got the memo to stop following after me when i'm angry. Good riddance.

I could feel my hands shaking as i held them with each other, trying to warm them up as i walked towards Harry, I couldn't just walk out without trying to talk to him. "Potter! Merry Christmas, may i?"

"Oh yeah sure, merry Christmas Lupin" he replied scotching up along the bench to make room. "Did you get a letter this morning?" He asked in a hushed tone.

I nodded back. "Yeah it came this morning with Healey. Do you have a plan? You know to get me in."

Harry looked around before getting the all clear from Hermione and Ron. "Take this, it should help you get around the castle, the map should help too. Just get outside our common room tonight and us three will sort the rest."

I felt a heavy material get placed onto my lap under the table, instantly knowing Harry had just passed me the invisibility cloak.

"But do be careful." Hermione whispered. "The new defence against the dark arts Professor arrived this morning. Ron recognised him when he was giving Peeves a telling off for dropping dung bombs in the hallway. Works at the ministry as an auror."

"Mental that one." Ron added. "Fake eye and everything, mum and dad know him. It's Alastor Moody."

"Moody? No way, mad eye moody!" I said in shock. "My dad knows him too from when he was a wee tot. His eye can see through the cloak. I'd be better off without."

"Take it anyways. Just incase. Peeves won't grass you in if he can't see you. Plus it's good for Filch or Snape." Harry said pushing the cloak back to me under the table.

"Fine, but-,"

"Uh uh uh, that's a vile word 'but'" the twins tutted as they piped sliding along the bench to join us. "What you lot whispering about anyways." One said.

"New teacher." Ron grunted back obviously annoyed at the two tricksters who were clearly eavesdropping "now get lost we're busy"

"Not very friendly, your gonna make me cry brother." Fred said messing around Rons hair with his hands.

"Geroff!" Ron grunted pushing him away.

"Alright wolfy? Full moons coming up, will we get to see your fangs. I think its super cool." George said stealing Hermione's last piece of toast as she swatted at his chest.

"Oh no i'm not, well it's just my dad." I replied.

"Yeah but you got slashed did you not? Doesn't that mean?" George asked as he intimated a wolf as he clawed his hands faking a growl.

"No I wasn't bitten, to turn I would of had to be bitten. And to correct you I wasn't slashed. It was just a minor cut." I talked back, obviously downplaying the severity of the scratch.

"Enough questions morons, now take a hike." Ron told them pointing to the other half of the Gryffindor table.

"Okay, okay." Fred said raising his hands in defence. "Sorry Lupin we didn't mean any harm in it."

"It's fine, see you around." I said giving a half effort wave.

"Harry the present" Hermione reminded him.

"Oh yeah come check this out." Harry laughed getting up to be followed by Ron, Hermione and myself. "Really cool, mines is from Sirius and Remus, got your one."

"We didn't open it, honest." Hermione told me. "It's just absolutely obvious what it could be. Size and all."

"It wasn't obvious." Ron said from in front. "Whoever wrapped them must be blind. Its like it was flung into the whomping willow first."

laughing softly, I followed them up towards the Gryffindor common room, waiting outside while they disappeared only to return moments later with a long brown wrapped, well I don't know what it is.

Hermione obviously knew, she couldn't stand still from excitement, she kept pacing around me and Harry.

"Well, aren't you going to open it?" She wondered.

Looking down i took the present from Harry's hand and started carefully unwrapping it to reveal a vintage looking broom with a little note attached.

We both don't like heights, but padfoot thinks a little motivation can break your fear. He found your mothers old broom at his family home and he's desperate to see you in the sky. You don't have to but I want you to have it regardless. All my love, Father.

"Brilliant isn't it? Harry has one too, brand new one at that. Top of the line." Hermione smiled.

"This was my mother's, she was on the team with Sirius and Harry's dad." I told them still admiring the craft work of the wood.

"Looks brand new! Fancy giving it a go. Harry's going to take his down the now. We can teach you." Ron said tapping the back of Harry's head playfully as he knocked Harry's glasses slightly further down his nose.

"No i think Miss Lupin is rather busy." A cold voice beamed from behind. "Now Potter if you wouldn't mind, i ask you move yourself. You and your friends are blocking the staircase."

I turned to face Snape who stood towerly as ever behind us. "After you Miss Lupin, my office." He insisted as he made space for me to walk down past him.


Hi guys i have exams for the next two/three weeks so please be patient with me, but as soon as there done i will get this finished for you guys.

Once the G.O.F plot is done and finished after this, i might have to make a sequel wattpad if i decide to continue on with H.B.P or D.H

So i will keep the name "black moon" but might branch out for a new cover!

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