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I found myself sitting outside the Gryffindor common room for a short while waiting to catch someone who could fetch Harry for me.

I didn't believe my mind would ease until i had spoke to him. My hands were shaking as i lay them on my lap trying to keep my eyes from watering.

The words Dumbledore had just spoke replayed unbearably inside my head, constantly reminding me of everything.

"Hey Lupin, what's up?" A voice spoke calling my thoughts back.

"Ginny!" Hi i need to see Harry, it's extremely important I can't wait." I rushed, pushing myself up from the stair case following her to the common room door.

"Sorry you might have to wait, Harry's trying to figure out the next task." She said.

I chuckled slightly at Harry's late start to the task. "Shouldn't he have already sorted out a plan for the task? Hermione wouldn't let him slip up like this."

Ginny shrugged slightly. "Well Hermione's been trying, she has a list of jinx's and charms but its up to Harry to open the clue." She explained walking behind me. "But he has it covered don't worry!"

The task was tomorrow, how is Harry this unprepared? He should have figured out the clue earlier.

"Where is he?" I asked desperately.

Ginny's head shook as she answered. "Prefects bathroom, but you wont get in!" She called disappearing into her common room.

She was right, of course only prefects had the password to the bathroom.

Harry and I both weren't prefects, i have no idea how he was able to get inside. But i was in no doubt that he most likely had the help from Cedric. They appeared to be quite close recently considering the tournament.

Diggory was my only option.

I made my way down the stairs heading for the entrance hall, my only chance was to try and catch Cedric in a study class. Either in the great hall or the library.

If I at least find Cedric, he could lead me to Harry.

"Lyria?" Blaise called from behind placing his hand on my shoulder. "Let's go, Draco has been waiting for you"

I flinched at his presence as i tried to unsuccessfully tug away. "No, no i need to find someone Blaise. Excuse me."

Blaise's grip tightened as he turned my body walking me in the opposite direction i had preferred to walk in.

I was no match in comparison to his strength as i tried to get loose from his grip.

Blaise looked at me worriedly before huffing to talk. "Look just come back, whatever it is can wait. I don't think your in the right state to be storming off looking for who knows who." He said pausing before starting to drag me down towards the dungeons "It's obvious you've been crying."

He dragged his thumb along my under eyes, leaving his skin covered in black product as he wiped it off on his trousers. "And after Moody's class, I just think you need a break."

"No, I'm perfectly fine. I need to find-," I starred being cut off.

"Not a chance, later." He stated, more of an order than anything else.

"Blaise look, I appreciate that your a concerned friend. But get lost." I huffed trying to squeeze my wrist out of my hand.

Blaise laughed at my response and nothing more as he pushed through the common room door.

Blaise ignored everyone within the common room who called out to us, including Daphne, Pansy, Crabbe and Theodore.

Theo's expression dropped as he noticed me walk in, standing instantly in attempt to walk over, but Blaise placed his hand out to suggest to him now wasn't the time.

Theo stirred as he stood stopped, looking at me. But i just nodded my head slightly and watched his body relax as he sat back down once more

Blaise led me away from him and upstairs as he opened his dorm room door to reveal Draco pacing back and forth aside the window.

Draco turned at the sound of the door parting from the timber frame, as i walked in leaving Blaise leaning on the arch way.

The boys shared a look as Draco sent a pleased look letting Blaise disappear back towards the common room to meet our friends.

Draco followed to close the door behind me, wrapping an arm around my back and resting his chin on my head.

His breathing faulted with nervousness as his other hand got lost within strands of my hair

"Well? What is Dumbledore going to do?" He asked quietly.

I couldn't bare to look at him. He would be so disappointed in me, so am i. And all my thoughts could assure me was. 'You didn't know' or 'This isn't your fault'

But the assurance was weak and useless. It was my fault.

I pressed my head into his chest as i wrapped my arms tightly around him, breaking down silently in pain. "Nothing" i cried "nothing at all."

Imagine if Lyria became a death eater...

So anyways i hope everyone enjoys their summer!

Please vote and comment and i will see you next chapter.

Black Moon: book oneWhere stories live. Discover now