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Draco had dragged me throughout the castle and didn't let go until we had barged into Professor Dumbledore's office.

He let go of my wrist, leaving a red mark from where his hands had dug into my skin as he slumped into a chair in front of Dumbledore.

"I assume you already know Professor?" Draco spat coldly as Professor Dumbledore walked slowly to join us from the window he was gazing out of as we arrived.

Dumbledore's head dipped in agreement to answer Draco, placing himself in the seat behind the desk.

"So what do we do then." He said agitated by the mans silence.

"Nothing, tea?" He said offering myself a mug magically filled with tea, gesturing me to sit in the other free seat.

"Nothing? You better think of something before he finds out!" Draco said angrily.

"Who finds out what?" I asked quietly looking at the two people in front of me who had now became silent. "Tell me!"

Dumbledore's hands clasped and laid to rest on his desk as he looked at Draco before turning to me.

"A pure soul is a magical thing Miss Lupin, more special than magic itself." Dumbledore started as i moved forward in my seat looking at Draco whose head was rested, supported by his hand, his eyes following the pheonix in the room.

"A pure soul is the best defence a person could have against such things as dark magic." He said.

I shrugged my shoulders still confused by the fuss.

"You used an unforgivable curse, with intent to do harm. The killing curse is the worst of the three. And you used it to take a life." Dumbledore said.

I let out a small chuckle, shocked by the dramatics. "It was a spider" i said confused. "It wasn't a human"

Draco huffed from beside me as he folded his arms leaning back against the chair. "It doesn't matter, you still used it!"

"Why is this a big deal? It was a spider for Merlins sake Draco you stand on spiders all the time!" I shouted.

"Stand on! Not murder with dark magic. Massive fucking difference Lupin" Draco spat annoyed.

Dumbledore grew impatient of Draco's temper and asked him to wait in the common until he had further explained the situation. He stropped out slamming the door behind him as he left me.

"Professor?" I said quietly as he mumbled in answer. "What are you not telling me?" I asked.

Dumbledore cleared his throat before starting again. "You may remember last year, i had told you that your magic and abilities were far beyond your years. And that you would be a powerful asset to either sides."

I remembered the conversation perfectly, recalling how Professor Dumbledore waited for me after Hagrid's class.

"Voldemort knows of your abilities now, how? I do not know. But he wants to use you for his own deeds."

My head dipped, now beginning to understand what i had done. "He wants to turn me into a death eater, doesn't he?"

Dumbledore nodded slowly taking a drink from his own tea.

"And because my soul was pure, it ment if he ever tried to turn me into one my body would reject the dark mark." My voice spoke beginning to loose its sense of volume.

"Preciously. And now, nothing can stop him from giving you the dark mark." Dumbledore spoke sorrily "But Miss Lupin you have my word, as long as you remain at Hogwarts, until the uprising is defeated. I will protect you."

Dumbledore's words began to fade as my mind raced, a stupid decision. One choice and now my future was in danger. All because i had to be a nice person and help Neville.

Draco was right, Neville is not my concern. Nobody is anymore, Not if this is how i will end up.

For all i know I could be dead at any point. Because i know i will never fight along the dark side, I would much rather die first.

But i know Voldemort would kill me if i chose not to stand alongside him.

"Miss Lupin, i must ask you to keep this to yourself." Dumbledore asked standing up.

"Myself? A full class just watched me use a killing curse! What do you expect me to do about that." I said stressed but Professor Dumbledore ensure me that he would take care of such matters.

Dumbledore walked me to the door still talking as the words started becoming clear again. "Please allow me to deal with this, all i ask is you keep your head down. And i ask you avoid telling Harry Potter about this."

I didn't question or argue with Dumbledore as i walked out of the office and down the staircase with tears in my eyes.

But knowing the second task was less than 24 hours away Any sense of excitement had completely disappeared, and now i felt nothing more than scared and disappointed in myself.

But i knew within myself that this was something only Harry could help me understand, and it would be impossible to hide it from him. Especially since I didn't want to.

But i rather was desperate to talk to him, to ask him for help. Anything to ease my mind.

One stupid decision could have just effected my entire future. As of now, i was destined to become a death eater... or even face death at the hands of my disobedience.

So heres a second chapter, I don't particularly like if but it works to get the story across so...

Please vote and comment and i will see you next chapter <3

Black Moon: book oneWhere stories live. Discover now