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"Can anyone tell me what a boggart looks like?" My father addressed the class.

It was the next day and Draco Blaise Pansy and I were in Defence against the dark arts.

"Nobody know's, boggarts are shape shifters." Hermione said, with Pansy finishing her sentence quickly "They take the shape of whatever a particular person may fear most."

"Wonderful Miss Granger, Miss Parkinson. 5 points for each of your houses ." Remus announced.

My father started explaining the charm to banish a boggart as well as how it comes to effect.

"This class is ridiculous." Draco spat towards Blaise.

I took my hand and punched into his silly sling that he's wrapped his arm in once more, as he winces fakely  at the pain.

"Watch your mouth Draco." I threatened him "You wouldn't want matching slings now would you, one that you actually need." I told him to his ear, hiding from the others.

He slightly knocked his shoulder into mine maliciously before giving my father his full attention.

"Lyria if you don't mind." My father said motioning me to the front to demonstrate. Knowing fine well what my boggart will be, i have the upper hand.

I made my way to the front of the class, loosely gripping my wand.

"Now the best way to tackle a boggart is laughter, I've asked my daughter to demonstrate for the sole reason. She has came across a boggart before. Rather funny story actually class it was the summer-"

"Dad... dont." I cut him off. I will not let him tell that story, truly embarrassing.

"Right of course." He started again with small laughs emerging from the class. " knowing what her boggart will be Lyria will now demonstrate the 'Riddikulus' charm."

"What is your boggart Lyria?" Harry voice called from behind me.

"It's my Father, Harry... just dead." I answered as my dad walked to the wardrobe opening the locks.

As the smoke poured from out the archway covering the floor and rising, it came together the form a person.

A rather plump and small person at that.

"Bloody hell Professor, that chocolate really catches up to you." Ron joked.

"Very funny Mr Weasley." My dad laughed taking it on the chin before looking back to me. Who was now frozen in front of the boggart my wand loosely shaking in my hand. "Your boggart... It seems to have changed." He said examining the shaped smoke.

Seconds past and the smoke turned to colour emphasising the features of a grim looking child.

My father and i, wearing matching confused expressions as we recognised the boy. I think Harry let out a small gasp from behind.

My boggart was no longer my father.

Instead... stood Peter Pettigrew.

My feet started walking me backwards until the boggart started expanding in size, now taller than the wardrobe itself as it towarded over my body.

I tripped backwards bringing myself to the ground underneath me, loosing hold of my wand as it rolled out of reach.

"Lupin." I heard jerking my head around to see Draco now throwing me his wand. Catching it effortlessly i sprang my arm forward aiming it straight at Peter with a motive.


Shrinking the plump boy back down to size turning his skin orange and his body transfiguring to match the fruit, my father moved to bring me up to stand patting the dust from the floor of my robes.

"Moving on." He said gesturing me back towards where I previously stood, picking up my wand as i passed.

Malfoy's wide grin welcoming my back.

I handed him back his wand asking him to save whatever sarcastic comment he has for after class. "A simple thank you would of been sufficient." He said with pride.

"Mr Weasley, how about you give it a try."

"Actually Sir I think i'd like to sit this one out."

"Nonsense Ronald, go." Hermione told Ron pushing him forward to take the centre of the class.

The boggart's smoke changing once more, this time to take the form of a spider.

"Riddikulus." Ron called giving the spider pink rollerblades for each of its eight legs. As laughter again came from the class at the sight.

"Very good job Mr Weasley. Thank you." He said tapping Ron's shoulder. "Whos next?"

Neville stepped up turning Snape into a Grandmother.
Dean took charge of his boggart turning a leprechaun into a mime, which I think Seamus was slightly offended by. And Blaise turned a lightning storm into snow.

"Brilliant class, amazing work." He dad clapped. "Mr Potter if you may."

Leaving the floor empty for Harry to take, he walk forward with a smile, hand raised.

"Perfect." Draco whispered to me. "Now we're going to have you know who as a classmate." Rolling his eyes as he talked.

The smoke began circling up in front of Harry as his smile started to disappear. Taking shape of a Dementor.

It swooped down towards Harry beginning to suck his soul, as i began to lift my wand. My father beating me to it jumping in front of him.

The boggart changing instantly.

Small "ooh's" came from around as the moon appeared, my dad hesitating momentarily before...


Forcing the boggart in a balloon form around the class, shooting past heads and back into it's wardrobe the door closing tightly after.

"Sorry about that class, think we should call it a day." He said holding Harry's should who still seemed rather out of it. "Take your books from the back. Thats the end of the lesson."

Students started making their way out, me included trying hard to avoid questions from my father.

Pushing my way forward to get to my next class, Potions with Snape.

Draco and I had this class together. Neville, Harry, Ron and Hermione were also in this class. Sitting down near the front.

I took as seat up the back putting my book down on the desk.

"Didn't take you for being scared of a child Lupin." Draco remarked.

"At least I'm not petrified of my father Draco, no doubt if you had a chance he would come walking out swinging that accident cane of his." I spat back.

Draco sliding my book off my desk before warning me not to speak of his father.

The class went awfully slow. Snape spoke about a Befuddlement charm, setting us a two page parchment essay due for the first class next week.

I was going to ask Draco if he wanted to work together but he was straight out of the class with the bell. No doubt in a foul mood.

Anyways i may not of had time. I was meeting Sirius once again tonight in the shrieking shack, and tomorrow I wanted to find Anthony before he left for Hogsmeade.

Little class scene, I thought a different boggart for Lyria was needed and hopefully it was a good choice.

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