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the cold breeze from the window woke me up the next morning, my head furiously aching as my eyes opened properly only to see Draco was gone. Pansy too.

Daphne lay stretched out in the most uncomfortable position on her bed with a light snore tugging out her throat.

As i tilted round the clock read to be just after midday, i let out a lazy moan before grabbing my robe that hung from the rack beside my bed. Slipping it around my body as I sorely walked towards the bathroom.

I regroomed my hair, and quickly washed my teeth and face. A quick freshen up before i heard the dorm room open welcoming a loud ruckus into the room.

"Shut the hell up." Daphne roared as she threw her pillow directly at the group barging in.

I walked to the frame of the bathroom door to see Draco, Pansy, Crabbe and Blaise chanting around the room.

"Morning? What's got you all so cheery." I laughed rubbing my eyes.

"It's actually afternoon." Pansy joked pointing to the clock. "Ravenclaw beat Hufflepuff. We play Gryffindor tomorrow. We get to pound stupid Potter off his broom."

"Chang played. You should of seen Diggory's face when he realised they didn't need a substitute anymore." Crabbe laughed waving his Slytherin flag above his head.

"Oh right they played this morning didn't they? Pansy why didn't you wake me I would've came to watch?" I asked as i crossed my arms over my robes to walk back to sit on the edge of my bed.

"She was going to." Draco added. "But I thought you could use the extra sleep, you looked peaceful."

"So you came back?" I asked.

"Yeah, you were already asleep when i got here but i just slept over the covers incase." He said moving to sit on the edge next to me.

"Oh Lupin it was an amazing match. Chang caught the snitch almost instantly. That Davies was rubbish though, Ravenclaw need a better captain. Your friend Rickett was alright until he took a buldger to the shoulder." Blaise commentated. "He's alright though, got straight back up."

"Unfortunately." Draco muttered under his breath.

Crabbe toddled over to sit on Daphne's bed until she let out an ear splitting scream throwing her hands on Crabbe's back. "That's my legs you've sat your fat arse on! Get up! Ouch! Get up!"

She took her last pillow and threw it straight in Pansy and Blaise's direction. "Everyone out! Now!"

Crabbe ran out instantly almost in shock that sweet Daphne tried throttling him followed by Blaise and Pansy who were scoffing on their way out.

"Get changed and come down for lunch, Flints making us go for a practice before tomorrow, you can come watch if you like." Draco said walking over to the dorm door.

Just as his hand clutched the handle he turned.

"Put that on." He pointed over to the chest beside my desk. "You left it on the couch last night when you were stripping off for Theo." He said raising his brows as he unnecessarily slammed the door.

It didn't take long for me to get changed and down to the hall, although it was practically empty, Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff tables were the fullest considering most of them probably were down watching the match.

I could spot Hermione, Ron and Ginny sitting at the Gryffindor table as i returned a smile given to me by Hermione.

The rest of the group were sitting beside Marcus and Adrien as they ate through their lunch hurrying the team players along.

"Best to turn around Lupin were leaving right now." Flint stated throwing me an apple from the centre. "Malfoy said your coming down to watch, just stay in the stands out the way. We should only be an hour or so."

Flint pulled Blaise and Adrien up by their collars ushering them and the rest of the players down and out to the pitch. "Play time boys... and Pansy." He laughed rolling his eyes as Pansy and I walked slightly behind.

"I wished you played, being the only girl on the team sucks. It was alright when Haylie Abbott was on the team, but obviously being replaced for Malfoy who empties his pockets to be on a team. There's still bad blood." She complained as we entered the arena.

"I heard that Parkinson!" Draco mouthed from in front. "If you're so ungrateful get your own bloody broom, i'm sure Daddy would buy you one if you said pretty please." He told her trodding back off towards Flint who was emptying the balls from the players.

"You'll be fine, just kick his arse." I laughed reassuring her as i left for the stands.

The chasers took turns scoring into the hoops against the keeper,all while dodging the beaters as they tried to playfully knock them off, Draco swirled across the pitch reaching for the snitch. Only to release it again when he catched it and waiting a minute or so before heading after it.

The team spent the most of the afternoon trying out new tactics and patterns to intercept whatever Gryffindor could try tomorrow. But when the rain started Flint decided to call it quits.

"Not bad guys, get some rest. We want to win tomorrow, no matter what. Got it?" He announced to the team as their feet hit ground.

"Got it Flint." they called as people passed him the balls to put back into the box.

"So how was i?" Draco asked as he ditched the team and meeting me at the bottom of the stands walking me back up towards the castle.

"You were meh, you need to work on pulling up from your dives, and your turns could be sharper, and you need-," I explained before being cut off with Draco's hand being clasped over my mouth.

"No Draco you were great." He mimicked. "Absolutely perfect, they way you caught the snitch almost instantly after letting it go. Potter doesn't stand a chance."

He removed his hand letting his arm rest on my shoulder as he looked down waiting for me to praise his performance.

I tilted my head smiling before telling him he wastes too much time steering left in comparison to going right.

He playfully pushed my head to the side mocking how I criticised his play by telling me I couldn't do better.

We walked back towards the common room to see Daphne, out of bed looking more herself. She seemed to have made up with Crabbe and they and Goyle were all sitting playing exploding snaps.

Once they spotted everyone returning they, and Theo joined us on the couch in front of the fireplace.

"Were all going to Hogsmeade tomorrow right? Before the game." Daphne directly asking me as i nodded.

"Yeah it's Christmas eve of course we're going. We always do."

We all spent the rest of the day, and part of the night casually talking and laughing about anything and everything, before heading off late to our dorms.

"Everyone meet here at 10." I shouted to the boys as they all headed away from Daphne, Pansy and I into their own dorms.

Just a quick, small filler chapter. Relatively boring though.

Quidditch line up:
Captain- Marcus Flint
Chasers- Marcus Flint, Adrian Pucey, Graham Montague
Beaters- Peregrine Derrick, Pansy Parkinson
Keeper- Miles Bletchley
Seeker- Draco Malfoy

Captain- Oliver Wood
Chasers- Angelina Johnson, Alicia Spinnet, Dean Thomas
Beaters- Fred Weasley, George Weasley
Keeper- Oliver wood
Seeker- Harry Potter

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