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It was the next morning, Daphne and Pansy were still asleep in their beds. It was only 7:16am, i had already showered and changed into casual clothes just simple black jeans and a Scotland quidditch jersey. "McCormack" labelled on the back.

I planned to visit my father before breakfast just to see how his first night was, so as i left my dorm careful to make sure i didn't wake the others i made my way through the Common room waving to Marcus Flint who was sat at the window seat with his owl.

I walked through and out the dungeons towards my father's classroom, and i could see Harry Potter leaving his classroom.

"Good morning Harry, what are you doing up so early." I asked giving him a smile.

"I just wanted to thank Professor Lupin, you know, for the whole train thing. Plus Wood booked an early Practice before the game. He's desperate for the cup this year." He puffed. I could tell Harry wasn't used to early mornings, the bags under his eyes were subtle but noticeable.

"Woods definitely passionate i'll give him that, good luck later, bet you'll give that Diggory a right run for his galleons." I laughed waving him a goodbye as I stepped into the classroom.

The Classroom was neatly set up, with a eye catching black cabinet as its centre piece. Professor Lupin and his boggarts.

At least know i know the first lesson, I remember the start of summer I accidentally opened the wardrobe, looking for an old coat to take to France, and Remus' body dropped with weight to the floor.

I remember my cries were deafening, all i could see was my only family lifeless on the floor infront of me , until my dads arms brought me out of my daze pulling me up, hugging me.

"I'm here, I'm here. Were okay ... Riddikulus."

He announced it as a Boggart. A terror that takes shape of a person's worst fear. He taught me the charm to banish one.

Least i know what to expect the first day back?

"Lyria shouldnt you be down for breakfast?" My father's voice bringing me out of my memory as i moved to hug him.

"I'm going after this, i just wanted to see how you've settled. Do you need anything done, should i send Healey home for anything? Are you-." I was cut off by a soft chuckle.

"You treat me as if its my first time at Hogwarts. Don't forget it was my home far before it was yours." Moving from my hug he stood next to his door "Now off you go, you don't want to be watching that game on an empty stomach."

"Will you be down to watch?"

"Possibly, need to clear up a couple of things first but if I'm done i'll come down. I'd like to see Harry play. Wonder if he's as good as James."

"He's great dad, James and Lily would be proud. But he's definitely not cautious about it, just as clumsy as James i would guess." I said making my way out once again. Waving goodbye.

"Heading to the hall Lupin?" I didn't even need to turn my head to see who was talking to me.

"Yes Malfoy, getting food before the match starts. Are you coming?"

"To the hall? Why else would i be walking with you, were both going to the same place." He scoffed

"Actually Malfoy." I stopped "What I actually ment was 'Are you coming to the game' are you?" I asked resuming my walk as Draco trails behind.

His hand reaching to hold his neck " Oh right i knew what you ment, Possibly. But its only to see Potter get embarrassed by that Diggory boy." He puffed catching up . "Dislike them both to be honest with you. But I dislike Diggory slightly less so..."

"You don't like many people do you Malfoy. Do you even have friends?" I question. Earning a low grunt from him.

"Course i do... and your not one of them." He barged into my shoulder knocking me to the side as he pushes past into the hall down to the Slytherin table.

I catch Rickett's attention and mouth him a 'good luck' for today. Even though i was upset i was still going to be nice. Rather un-slytherin of me.

He acknowledged it with a small nod before being carried out the hall beside some of the team, I assume they are heading down to the pitch to get ready for the game. I couldn't see any Gryffindor players except the twins who were running down the hall towards the doors stuffing their faces with toast spitting crumbs as they go.

Pansy and the group not far behind them. "Toast? Or a roll? You need to eat and walk. We dont want to be left with bad seats in the stands." She offered holding both options for me to choose.

"Or maybe you would prefer sausage." Blaise smirked waltzing his way towards me, arms wide.

"Toast will do nicely Zabini no need." I said ducking under his arms before reaching for the toast in Pansy's left hand thanking her for being thoughtful, linking my right arm up with Daphne.

As we reached the bottom of the hill everyone started to make there way up the stands, but something caught my attention. Something around the bushes. It wasn't the wind the movements were too sharp to be the wind , i edged forward for a second... I thought i seen yellow eyes.

"Everything okay Lyria." Crabbe asked tapping my shoulder for attention. "Are you coming?"

"Yeah sorry Crabbe... thought i saw something. You didn't see anything did you?"

"No... no I wasn't looking." He whispered. "What did you see?"

"I thought i saw ... um nothing never mind. Was probably just Mrs Norris."

"That bloody cat, evil thing im telling you." Crabbe laughed as I turned both of us now heading up towards the stands to meet the others.

Madam Hooch ushered Diggory and Wood to shake hands before the game. Before blowing her whistle with both teams taking to the sky. With instant cheers from the crowd

"50 points to Gryffindor" Lee Jordan announced.

"50 points to Hufflepuff"

"Buldger straight at Rickett, but he hits it away giving George Wealsey a knock."

"Weasley and Mcmanus neck and neck heading straight towards Wood."

"Another 50 points to Hufflepuff"

"Brilliant save by Wood, from Rickett once more"

"Foul from Spinnet, leading to another 50 points to Hufflepuff."

Fred Weasley helps Angelina Johnson get another 50 points for Gryffindor." Lee screeches

"Goal from George Weasley. Its neck and neck 150-150." Lee jordan announced.

"Its up to Potter and Diggory who will end the game."

"Potters going ...  up? . What is Potter doing."

Everyones attention was now fixed on Harry who had disappeared into the clouds. Everyone on the pitch had now stopped searching for him.

A couple minutes passed and yet Potter was nowhere to be seen.

"Look! Heres Potter!" I heard a second year call from the stands... but Potters not on his broom, he's falling.

He's unconscious... how?

I pushed through the stands to the front of the railing ,almost standing on Malfoy in the process, wand in hand aimed in Harry's direction " Arresto momentum"
I know Dumbledore was the one to cast the slowing charm on Harry as he fell but I thought it would be rather cool if it was Lyria, two days in and she's already saving people left right and centre.

Talk about a badass?

Hopefully you like how i commentated the match? If not let me know what else i could try?

And I decided to put the quidditch game before the first day of classes, but dont worry your favourite draco scene is coming soon >>

Please Vote and Comment because it helps majorly <3 thank you!

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