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We sat in silence.

My father quietly looking at the map watching Peter's name move back and forth in circles in the Gryffindor common room.

"When... when i heard he died. I blamed Sirius. Instantly. So did Alice-,"

"Refused his explanation I didn't want to hear him, never mind look at him. I was horrible. I was horrible to my best friend." He sobbed quietly.

I've only seen my father cry once. The night my mother died. He was always so strong for me. But this broke him.

"Sirius was a brother, every full moon he accompanied me. Every, single one. He done anything for me, for all of us."

"And i treated him like dirt on my shoe the moment i heard the news that night. Why. Why. Why!" He muttered over and over banging his palms on the desk in frustration.

I sat quietly not daring to speak until told to.

"Every memory of Sirius i poisoned. Everything he ever touched i broke, i hated him. Pure hatred. It consumed me. All because I thought he did it. He was caught there i had no other choice to believe he did."

"Any excuse didn't match the evidence, but maybe merely he was in the wrong place at the wrong time..." he said quietly as he paced between the door and his desk, with me in the middle.

"I want to know... you mustn't leave a single detail out. I need to know absolutely everything." He told me and for the rest of the night only i spoke.

"It started the night of the quidditch, i lied to you. And I'm sorry but it was him that night in the bushes. I wasn't letting him get away. He refused to turn back In case the dementors found him. Then i heard you and Dumbledore approaching, so i let him run charming myself into a blackout to create a diversion. It was never Buckbeak ."

"He sent me an owl, the next morning thanking me for me kindness and promised me an explanation. I met him at the shrieking shack and he explained, everything. Everything that happened that night. He didn't kill them Dad... Peter did."

He looked down to me now frozen where he stood and leaned back into the table listening further. But his tears became more. Only to learn the innocence of one friend but the betrayal of another.

"Peter was a spy all along, every meeting of the order you had. Peter was the one feeding you know who the information. Peter told the dark lord everything he needed to know."

"Sirius didn't know that, but he believed the dark lord knew of his and James' connection. He thought as the secret keeper it was too obvious. A first choice. He only wanted to protect them Dad. He never knew. James agreed to switch the secret keeper last minute..."

"To Peter..." my dad asked almost in pieces as he slightly sobbed further. This was breaking him.

"Yes to Peter. Peter sold them out, told him where they were. Peter is the reason they are gone dad, not Sirius-,"

"Sirius tried to face him, challenge him for his betrayal. He was broken. Angry. With Peter and himself. Peter blasted a full street of people killing them all. Blaming Sirius. But Sirius he, he got a hit on Peter before the rat turned and got away. Leaving only a finger."

"They only ever found a finger Dad. Nothing more. He's been alive all this time. In Hogwarts. As Ron Weasley's pet rat."

My Dad's sadness turned to anger at the mention of Ron and his rat. He almost burst through the door but I stopped him.

"The rest of the story is important Dad you need to wait, Sirius and i made a plan. A brilliant one at that. And it's going to work. Please just wait and listen."

He let his grip on the door handle loosen as he stepped back to sit at his desk.

"Sirius and i have been working together, to get to Peter without him knowing. Sirius cant get him, it's too difficult to get him into the castle. Plus Peter knows his animagus form... but Peter doesn't know mine."

My dad's head battered up pinning his eyes directly into mine.

"What on earth did you just say?" He asked.

"Sirius helped me turn into an animagus, and we done it. Dad it worked perfectly."

"Do you know how dangerous that is! I never wanted those three to risk their lives like that for me. Never mind you doing it for bloody Peter Pettigrew!"  He said as his voiced croaked.

"Dad please it was my idea, and it worked. I took the form of a horned serpent. A massive one. That day in class when Snape took over. How i got into a fight with Draco. The reason I stormed out was because I wasn't controlling my anger and i was changing. Draco got a bit shocked when he seen me because he ran out after me. Gave me a nasty spell or two."

Hiding the fact Draco used an unforgivable curse on me, now really wasn't the time to bring that up.

"But i changed okay? I can do this. Peter doesn't know about me. Draco promised not to tell. And he hasn't. I can get to Peter. Undetected And easily. We can get him, and he can face justice."

"And Sirius can be free."

"Where is he now? Sirius?" My dad asked.

"Hiding in the Shrieking Shack. And he has to stay there until we get Peter so we can clear his name."

"Dad? We can do this, just please trust me."

"I trust you Lyria. With every bone in my body." He told me now walking round to kneel in front of me holding my hand in his. "But you can't do this... not alone. When is your plan taking place?"

"Tomorrow, Sirius thinks Harry and his friends will turn up at Buckbeaks execution to support Hagrid, and Sirius will be waiting. Waiting to rip Peter from Ron's clutch." I told him.

"But how do you know Ron will have Peter with him?" he asked me.

"Because Hermione's cat crookshanks has been trying to kill Peter too, that cat hates the rat. Ron doesn't let him out his pocket. He hasn't for weeks."

"Very well..." my father nodded wiping the dried tears from under his eyes. "Let's get my brother back. Let's bring Sirius home."

Strictly father/daughter chapter. I've been waiting for a chapter just these two ;(

But so Moony knows?

Can't wait to show you the next chapter it should be out soon.

Please vote and comment <3

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