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I could barely settle last night, constantly stirring in my bed. Thinking aimlessly about Theodore's situation and how i could only imagine how he  feels.

He's just hid it so well from everyone. He always was good at keeping secrets.

Knowing i would have no opportunity today to pry with questions, the problem would just have to lay until I could bring it up. All in good time.

As of just now, i had to deal with the chaos of my dorm room. The boys waiting patiently in our room all while Daphne and Pansy ran around to get ready before Mr Zabini arrived to Hogwarts.

"Crabbe please don't touch that, actually yeah can you pack it for me." Daphne shouted from the bathroom. "Into that bag on the dresser, thank you."

Not leaving him with much choice, Crabbe moped to put Daphne's hairdryer into her bag that had been glammered with an extendable charm.

"Why does she need all this, we're only going for the weekend." Crabbe moaned complaining about how women carry about enough in a handbag to furnish a house.

"I heard that!" Pansy grunted coming to her bed to zip her bag closed. "All set boys?"

"Finally!" Theo, Blaise and Goyle spoke in unison. "Let's bounce, c'mon move, move, move amigos." Theo said clapping in rhythm pushing us out the door.

"Wait for me i need to pack a mirror!" Daphne roared.

"Dad has one in the tent!." Blaise called behind. "Don't forget to pack the kitchen sink." He muttered sarcastically gaining a swift skelp on the back of his head from Pansy.

"Right enough of that." Theo warned wrapping his arm around Blaise's neck pulling him down. "I need a turn." He laughed rubbing his knuckles back and forth against Blaise's hair.

"Fuck off." He moaned pushing Theo's chest away.

Daphne stomped out dropping her bag at Theodore's feet as she closed the door going down the stairs. "Be a gentleman T." She insisted, Pansy catching onto the idea and demanding the same from Blaise in a jokey manner.

"Why aren't you like that." Blaise asked as he flung Pansy's bag down the common room stairs clipping the back of her heels. "Independent lady i s'pose." Blaise continued, drowning out a lengthy scream from Pansy as she tripped the last couple of stairs falling into the back of Daphne.

"You bloody knob!" They both called as we all followed down the stairs laughing.

I was slightly disappointed to be woken by the boys coming into the room just to see that Draco hadn't joined them. He disappeared to find his parents earlier in the morning Goyle explained to me as they got comfortable in my dorm.

I know he told the boys he didn't want me there, but i hope he just changes his mind and joins us for the match. I really don't understand if he's avoiding me. He's been acting rather strange ever since the Adrian situation.

As we left the castle walking down towards the entrance to Hogsmeade, Blaise spotted his father leaned against a stone wall smoking some sort of pipe.

"Son." Mr Zabini greeted, "Theodore, Crabbe, Goyle. Great to see you all again, too long. Same for you Miss Greengrass, Miss Parkinson." He said addressing everyone before turning to me.

His eyes gliding over me from head to toe.

"I don't believe you to be a pureblood." He said.

"Dad, seriously." Blaise huffed, almost embarrassed by his father's concern over blood status.

"No need for that Blaise, I'm simply being curious. Nothing wrong with that is there?" He asked raising his hand to shake mine.

"Lyria Lupin sir, it's nice to meet you." I said as his gripped tighten around my hand at the mention of my surname. "Ah of course, i know all about your kind." He replied letting go.

Wiping his hand on his cloth, lifted from a pocket before pulling out a rusted bronze pocket watch held by a chain. "You are late."

"One minute, get yourself organised." He said ushering everyone around as we all squashed into a circle.

"10 seconds, be ready." He said raising the watch as everyone's hand clench the chain at the sound of Mr Zabini telling them too.

The surrounding twisted instantly as i stood, after finally finding balance to over look a hill, with miles of gigantic lights and tents spaced around the ground below.

"Well seems everything went as planned. Boys would you mind following me?" Blaise's dad said as he began walking at a pace. "Blaise take the ladies to our tent, I'm sure you'll find it."

As the boys wandered off after Mr Zabini with a confused but scared look, Blaise with a groan, decided to walk us off in the opposite direction, down the hill and into the busy scenes of the quidditch world cup.

"Think it's like a ten minute walk from here." He spoke again after we began walking amongst tents in rows. "Stay close don't be dosing off to look around." He said leading Pansy behind him as his hand held above her wrist.

"Yes Blaise, don't stress over it." Daphne shouted from behind. "We can still see your massive ego from over everyones heads." She whispered only loud enough for me to hear.

"I wish Draco was with us." I blurted out to Daphne as we pushed through the crowds.

"I'm sure he will turn up, he always seems to. Doesn't he?" She comforted me as she pointed to go left after Blaise and Pansy. "Bet he'll be waiting at our seats for us."

We both moved side by side now seeing as there were less people moving in the alleys between the tents, watching as Blaise stopped, flicking his wand to open a gate into the soft envy coloured tent. Which looked more like a small but glamorous house.

"Just give him a chance to show up." Daphne whispered placing a hand on my shoulder. "Shall we?" She suggested letting me walk first into the tent after Blaise and Pansy.

The inside was almost as beautiful as a manor could be, the interior stretched back further than the visual outside of the tent did. Their was a gorgeous black marble kitchen, matched with a navy decorated livingroom. Bookshelves running up one side. A spiral staircase opposite on the other.

"Girls through there." Blaise pointed towards to arch to the left of the kitchen. "Then us boys are up there." He continued suggesting up the stairs.

"Bloody hell Blaise this tent is amazing, practically bigger than my actual house." I gauped in amazement staring vigorously around the high raised ceiling.

"It's nothing special, but it does the job." Blaise laughed kicking his feet up onto the glass coffee table. "Game starts tomorrow, so we have tonight to look around. Check things out. Malfoy will be here in a couple hours so we can go out then." He continued.

Daphne sticking her elbow softly into my arm to indicate Draco's arrival was expected sooner than I thought.

"Well what we doing first?" Pansy chuckled, sinking into the couch next to Blaise. "Do you have chess?"


Expect updates this weekend because i'm free of exams for a couple days !!

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