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We got to Hogsmeade far too easily, Mcgonigal stopped us once. But Draco was quick on his feet to explain we changed our minds and wanted to do some Christmas shopping.

Which she easily believed when Malfoy pulled galleons out of his pockets.

It was freezing, the ground piled with gorgeous thick snow reaching our ankles, still falling as the flakes landed in my eyelashes.

I wasn't properly dressed for the weather. I was in jeans with a white short sleeved top with a emerald knitted cardigan wrapped around my body.Malfoy wearing the opposite. A woolly jacket and odd looking hat he pulled out of nowhere.

First we checked Honeydukes. Empty. Other than Seamus, Dean and Neville at the window. I waved to them as i walked back out moving closer to the end row of shops.

He wasn't anywhere, it was almost like he disappeared into thin air. Hogsmeade was practically empty today i couldn't even find Ron or Hermione.

"I can't see him." Malfoy huffed kicking his foot under the snow. "Not even his little mudblood friend."

"Hold your lip Malfoy."

Then it hit me if there not in Hogsmeade they could be there. I looked behind me to see the trees that hugged the little town.

"This way... i know where they are." I told Draco running softly through the snow.

Straight towards the Shrieking Shack.

I wasn't too worried about them getting too close, if Ronald was with them it'll be almost a miracle to get him in a mile vicinity of the shack. So Sirius will be safe in secret but he told me once he only spends the nights there anyways.

We edged closer and closer as we noticed two slim figures standing by a fence.

"Well well, look who's here." Malfoy exclaimed as we headed down the hill. "You two shopping for your new dream home? Bit grand for you weaselby, doesn't your family sleep in... one room?"

"Shut your mouth Malfoy." Ron spat back.

"Not very friendly." Draco rowed him. "Were looking for  your friend, not you mudblood." He said facing Hermione.

"Draco..." I whispered pulling him back giving a sympathetic apology to Hermione.

Of course she was used to Malfoy calling her that but it wasn't okay.

"Get out of here Malfoy." She told him.

Draco was furious I could see his pale face heating up despite the cold. But I didn't know why.

"How dare you speak to me, you filthy little mud-," but before he could finish his sentence he was pelted with snow.

And again.

"It's not me." I told him raising my hands to look around us.

The first one was me. He deserved it, but the second most certainly wasn't.

"Who's there!" He said sternly as another snowball flew in our direction. Grabbing my wand from my boot, quickly i stood straight on. Arm raised to the snow heading our way.


Instantly the snow switched direction heading straight back to where it came from. Knocking someone back slightly as they lost their footing and tumbled down into the snow as Harry appeared leaving a fabric cloak behind him half way up.

"How did you get James' cloak!" I asked Harry knowing instantly what it was. Of course it now belonged to Harry but how did he get his hands on it.

Black Moon: book oneWhere stories live. Discover now