006. wedding crashers

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Vanessa sits on the couch just as her door bursts open. She whines, faceplanting into the cushions.

"Nessy! Look alive, we got a case." Shawn says.

"Gus called and said you two already solved that computer stealing thing at the high school." Vanessa says, her words muffled by the couch.

"Yeah, we got another one." Shawn says.

"Which we're not allowed to be on because we weren't actually given it." Gus says.

"Must you ruin this?" Shawn asks.

"No. I'm out." Vanessa states, sitting up.

"You can't be out." Shawn says.

"Yes, I can." Vanessa states.

"But that ruins the whole trio thing." Shawn complains.

Vanessa stands up and grabs his jacket, pulling him closer so they're face to face as she glares at him.

"Shawn, I have two sick twins and a toddler who will not sleep at night and only sleeps occasionally throughout the day. I am hungry and I am tired and I want to rip my hair out and I will murder anybody who pisses me off. Do you want to piss me off?"

"No." Shawn mumbles.

"Then leave me alone." Vanessa says, letting go of him.

"Look, Nessa, we need you." Shawn says.

"No, you don't. You can go without your sleep deprived friend." Vanessa says.

"Come on. Please. Don't make me do something super embarrassing to make you come with." Shawn says.

Vanessa sighs.

"I'll call my mom."


They get to the hotel and walk in.

"The safe room... right behind that door." Shawn states, pointing to a door behind the front desk.

"What is all this?" Gus asks, seeing police behind the desk. "I thought this was a safe job."

"Oh, uh, Lassiter has this insane idea that this is an elaborate heist, okay? Like on par with Ocean's Eleven or Thomas Crown or, uh... ooh. Or the one where they kill Donald Sutherland in the first 10 minutes. Remake. Uh..."

"Mr. Spencer. Mr. Guster. Ms. O'Brien." Vick greets, walking up behind them making them turn. "What a surprise."

"Chief. Lookin' good. You're probably wondering--" She cuts Shawn off.

"I sent an officer down to the high school to take a look at your secretary suspect. She cracked. He didn't even get the first question out." She informs.

"Really? But--" Gus elbows Shawn. "Because I, uh, envisioned that being harder."

"Yet I don't recall asking you to come down here to the De La Cruz." Vick says.

"Well, we have reason to believe this case goes in a completely different direction." Gus says.

"Huh. Let me be perfectly clear." Vick says, stepping closer to them. "I didn't see you and we didn't talk. Call me if you have something." She leaves.

"I love her." Shawn states.

"Yeah." Gus agrees as Vanessa nods in agreement.

They walk to a desk and the man behind it waves at Shawn.

"He knows you?" Gus asks.

"I had to lay some groundwork. He doesn't believe in psychics. This is plan B." Shawn states.

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