024. gus is a psychic

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Vanessa is pushing Madison's stroller, following behind Shawn as they walk over to Gus and his uncle in the parking lot.

"Gus, wait up." Shawn says.

"Shawn? Vanessa?" Gus asks.

"Finally. You know, I went to two comic book stores and three women's volleyball games looking for you. Luckily your phone has GPS." Shawn says.

"You tracked me?" Gus asks.

"Yes, I did. With a little help from my friends at your wireless service provider. By the way, they might be calling. They think you're a fugitive from justice. Run with it." Shawn says.

"Who is this, Burton?" Uncle Burton asks.

"Shawn Spencer." Shawn introduces, shaking Burton's hand.

"He knows who you are, he knows what you do. Don't speak. We're going to dinner. You two aren't invited. Let's roll, Uncle Burton." Gus says, starting to drag his uncle away.

"Uh, Jules just called. We've got a case. We should go." Shawn says.

"You know, Shawn, maybe you should handle this one with only you and Nessa. There's a first time for everything." Gus says.

"First time for... what are you talking about?" Shawn asks.

"Sorry, Shawn, I can't make it." Gus says, giving his friends a look. Shawn and Vanessa stare at him weirdly, sharing a confused look with each other.

"For crying out loud, Burton, the cops are handing you a case. You've gotta take it. You're the only psychic detective they've got." Burton says.

"That's very funny." Shawn says.

"Don't speak. Just one minute." Gus says, grabbing Shawn and Vanessa by their arms, dragging them a bit away from Burton.

"I know what you two are thinking." Gus says.

"Of course you do, you're a psychic detective." Shawn says.

"A few months ago I was on the phone with my great aunt, who's hard of hearing, and pretty much out of it in general. I told her I was working part time at a psychic detective agency. She must've misunderstood because now everybody on my mom's side of the family thinks that I'm a psychic detective. And you're..."

"Gay?" Shawn asks.

"No." Gus answers.

"German?" Shawn guesses again.

"No." Gus shuts down.


"Invisible?" Vanessa asks.

"My assistant, Shawn. Both of you are my assistants." Gus says.

"Wow. Gus, this is, uh... wow!" Shawn says.

"Assistant?" Vanessa asks.

"I know. It's a mess." Gus says.

"Why don't you just tell him it was a simple misunderstanding?" Shawn asks.

"It's too late. I can't come clean now without everyone thinking that I lied to them in the first place. Plus, Uncle Burton has had it out for me ever since I started going by "Gus," even though I'm named after him. If he figures out that I'm not psychic, he's gonna make it his mission to destroy me in front of everybody."

"All right, say no more. You're not getting destroyed by that man." Shawn states.

"I'm getting hungry over here." Burton calls out.

"Don't worry, I have a plan." Shawn says.

"You do?" Gus asks.

"Uncle Burton." Shawn calls.

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