chapter forty-two

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The trio are at their old high school, getting ready for the 13 year reunion. Vanessa helped Gus plan it, but only since he promised to babysit her kids for a few weekends.

"Who put orange slices in the punch bowl already? They'll be soggy by the time everyone gets here. This is a disaster, people!" Gus exclaims.

"Yep. First typhoid fever, now this?" Shawn says.

"Shawn, this night has been 13 years in the making. Everything has to go perfectly. What I need from you is your support and your cooperation. Not your sarcasm and mockery." Gus says.

"Okay, buddy. Let me know when I can mock, cause I'm ready to mock." Shawn says.

"Where's your grad pic?" Gus asks.

"Oh, yeah. I'm not gonna wear mine." Shawn says.

"Shawn, come on. Don't do this to me. You nkow that was my thing." Gus says, walking away. "Instead of name tags, we'll know who everyone is from their class picture. Great idea, right?"

"Is it mock time yet?" Shawn asks.

They walk into the hall and to the welcome table.

"Just put it on, Shawn." Gus orders.

"Okay, fine." Shawn clips on the badge. "There. You happy now?" The other two look at the picture and Vanessa rolls her eyes.

"Shawn, that isn't you, is it?" Gus asks.

"No, it isn't." Shawn says.

"It's Judd Nelson, isn't it?" Gus asks.

"Yes, it is, and it's sweet, sweet nice." Shawn says.

The door opens and a man in a letterman jacket walks in with a beautiful woman.

"Look who just rolled in. Molly Ringwald and Andrew McCarthy." Shawn says, seeing the cowboy boots on the man. "From Fresh Horses."

"That's Howie Tolkin. He was our quarterback junior and senior year." Gus says.

"We had a football team?" Shawn asks.

"Yes." Gus nods.

"Tackle?" Shawn asks.

"Seriously?" Gus asks.

"Who's the prom queen?" Shawn asks.

"She's the prom queen. Eileen Mazwell. You really don't remember any of this? They're married now." Gus says.

"Why would I keep up with people I went to high school with?" Vanessa asks.

"Dudes, you didn't tell me Abigail Lytar was coming." Shawn says, watching said woman walk in.

"Oh, yeah." Gus mumbles.

"Didn't think you'd care. You did kind of stand her up." Vanessa says.

"I didn't stand her up." Shawn says and Vanessa gives him a look. "I should... should say hello." Shawn walks over to Abigail. Gus shakes his head and Vanessa rolls her eyes.

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