chapter fifty-five

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"Dude, I'm telling you. You cannot add lettuce. It completely takes you out of the burrito." Shawn tells Gus.

"You don't seem to mind if a taco has lettuce." Gus says.

"That's because everyone knows the taco has assimilated, Gus." Shawn says. "The burrito remains authentic. It's the Rollie Fingers of Mexican cuisine."

They stop outside of the Psych building, seeing a small form of doll hanging on by a noose.

"What the hell is that?" Vanessa mutters.

"Oh, my God." Shawn whispers.

"What the--" Gus starts. "Isn't that your--"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah." Shawn answers. It's my Rick Astley piñata." Shawn says. "I think it's dead."

"Rick Astley?" Gus asks. "That's what that thing was supposed to be?"

"Oh, come on. You sound like the judges." Shawn says. "Look at it. It's painfully obvious. Even now.

"It looks more like Ann Margaret." Gus says.

"What?" Shawn asks.

"When did you make a Rick Astley piñata?" Vanessa asks.

"Camp Tikihama, when we were eleven. The year you decided to dip out and it was, like, the worst week of my life." Shawn says.

"Your-- worst week of your life? Shawn, I didn't go because my grandmother died." Vanessa reminds him.

"So we can blame the whole week on your grandma?" Shawn asks.

"What? No." Vanessa objects.

"I had it narrowed down to Eric Stoltz or Boris Becker." They hear and turn to see a guy sitting on the bench, lowering the newspaper he was reading.

"Jason Cunningham?" Gus asks excitedly.

"Killer B." Jason smiles, the two happily greeting each other, doing a handshake.

"Right. It was the year you and Gus weren't piñata partners." Vanessa mutters.

"So we--"

"Still not blaming it on my grandma." Vanessa tells Shawn.

"First you ditch out on Camp Tikihama then you stay out of the last three cases." Shawn grumbles.

"Dude, my kids and I had the stomach bug. I'm sorry unplanned stuff in my life effects you so negatively." Vanessa says, her voice full of sarcastic sympathy.

"Thank you for the apology." Shawn says and Vanessa gives him a bitch face.

"I highly doubt you noticed me gone on that arson case given you had arson inspector lady to check out." Vanessa mutters.

"Are you jealous?" Shawn asks, a teasing smile starting to form on his face.

"What? No." Vanessa objects.

"You're jealous." Shawn grins.

"I-- no, I--" Luckily Vanessa's cut off by Jason.

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