32. gus got married?

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Vanessa is at a fancy restaurant with Shawn, Gus, and Henry.

"Come on, kids. Sit up, sit up. Come on, napkins in laps. Now, listen, we don't get to go out very often, so I want you to order something special. Harbor Grill is one of the nicest restaurants in Santa Barbara."

"I'm gonna have nachos." Gus says.

"No way." Shawn gasps. "Dad, I think that guy over there is a spy. And he's trying to poison her." He says, looking over at a couple. Vanessa turns to look and sees the couple clink their glasses together before taking a sip. The woman looks into her glass and uses the knife to fish the object out and holds it realizing it's a ring. The man kneels on one knee in front of her.

"I don't know how to say this, so I'm just gonna say it." The man slips the ring onto the woman's left ring finger. "Megan, will you marry me?"

"Y-Yes! Of course, yes!" Megan exclaims and kisses him as everybody applauds.

"Come on, guys, you've seen people propose before. It's a very special moment. Especially for a man. You fall in love with a woman. You decide you're gonna spend the rest of your life with her." Henry says.

"Rest of my life with a girl? No way!" Shawn objects.

"I'm never ever gonna get married!" Gus exclaims.

"I'm only gonna marry so I can stay home and be the trophy wife I aspire to be." Vanessa declares.

"By the way, they're not gonna make it." Shawn says.

present day

They're at the batting cages and Vanessa is leaning against it, flipping through a magazine while Shawn stands next to her, watching Gus take a wild swing at the ball that comes at him. Gus spins around with a cry, but misses the ball.

"Do I need to set this on slow pitch?" Shawn asks earning a glare from Gus.

"Hey. I swore I saw that guy earlier." Gus says, looking to a man who's reading a newspaper a few feet away.

"Yeah, he's been following us all day. I'd say worst P.I. ever. Check this out." Shawn goes into the batting cage and shows Gus the photos he took on his phone.

"What the... no. He followed me into the bathroom? That's my sanctuary." Gus says.

"Your sanctuary?" Vanessa whispers to herself.

"I know." Shawn says.

"All right, we gotta find out what he wants. And we have to do it in a way that's cool and clever." Gus says.

"I got it." Shawn picks up a ball from the ground and throws it at the guy. "Gyro ball!" The ball hits the post instead of the guy.

"Hey, watch it!" A man yells out.

"Let me show you how its' done. Watch out." GUs says, picking up a ball and does a small preparation dance before throwing the ball. It hits the cage, not even leaving it.

"Wow." Vanessa whispers.

"That very well may be the most humiliating moment of your life." Shawn tells his friend before picking up another ball. "I pitch better from the stretch." He throws the ball, but it hits a garbage can.

"Okay, you two are just so sad. Lemme show you how it's done." Vanessa says.

"You hate sports." Shawn says.

"It's throwing a ball." Vanessa rolls her eyes, picking one ball up. She throws the ball, hitting the man in the forehead making him cry out in pain. Vanessa gains a satisfied smirk on her face, turning to her two friends.

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