chapter seventy-four

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"Best idea ever." Shawn sings the last word as the group stand in a pet store and Shawn and Gus hold bunny rabbits. Vanessa carefully helps Cassie hold one of the bunnies before helping Zach get one.

"People say our intense love of bunnies is creepy at our age, but history will prove them to be heartless bastards." Gus says.

Vanessa grabs a third bunny and crouches next to Maddie.

"You wanna try to hold it?" Vanessa asks, the four year old nodding. "Okay, you have to be careful. Don't squeeze it too tightly." She helps Maddie get a good grip on the animal, holding it to her chest. "Yeah, there you go."

Vanessa pets the bunny, holding one hand under it so Maddie can also pet it.

"I can't believe the French actually eat these little guys." Shawn says.

"What?" The three children look up at him with wide eyes. Vanessa looks up at Shawn with a stern glare.

"Uh... nothing. Nothing. I-I said nothing." Shawn says. "The French eat bread."

"The French aren't the only ones." Gus says.

"What? No, I wasn't counting other rabbits." Shawn says.

"Rabbits don't eat each other, Shawn." Gus says.

"Most rabbits, yes."

"No, pretty much all."

"So nobody eats bunnies?" Cassie asks, her innocent doe eyes looking up at her two uncles.

"Bunnies are not endangered." Gus states.

"Yes. Exactly. No bunnies were harmed in the making of... of life." Shawn says. He holds the bunny in his hands to Cassie's face, the animal's nose touching hers making her giggle, her own nose scrunching at the coldness of the bunny's.

Shawn softly smiles, pulling the bunny back to his chest, returning to petting it.

"I have something big to tell you." Gus tells Shawn after putting the bunny up.

"You know you can say anything to me, Gus. We've known each other forever and there is absolutely nothing that could dent our impenetrable bond." Shawn states.

"I have a secret girlfriend." Gus says.

"You're dead to me." Shawn says.


"What?" The three children shriek again.

"No, no, he's not-- Uncle Gus isn't actually dead. It's just an expression." Vanessa quickly assures.

"It's a scary expression." Maddie states.

"I can't believe you." Shawn tells Gus. "You brought me all the way down here to get hopped up on bunny love so you could spring this on me and I wouldn't make a scene."

"Yeah, pretty much." Gus nods.

"Well, it's working." Shawn says.


"I don't even remember what this whole thing was about. God, this bunny is strong. Must be Columbian."

"Her name is Ruby. I met her at Bevmo! and she's in marketing. And I think she's really, really cool."

"How do you know this chick isn't just trying to take you to the cleaners?"

"Well, one, all my cash is tied up in dress shirts and decorative pillowcases."


"Why are you waiting till just now to tell me about her?"

"Because I wanted to make sure that what we had was real and solid. And I didn't want you screwing things up for me." Gus says.

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