chapter sixty-one

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"If someone asks what we're doing here, what are we gonna say?" Gus asks as the trio walk to the hangar. "This is an airport, Shawn. We can't sniff around the way we usually do. I don't want to end up in Guantanamo."

"Gus, don't be principal and interest." Shawn says. "I already have a brilliant cover plan. Hello, sir." He loudly greets.

"Dude, ow." Vanessa winces, still facing some of the ramifications of her wine intake.

"We're here for our 2:00 appointment." Shawn informs.

"Is one of you guys Gus?" The man asks.

"Appointment for what?" Gus asks as Shawn points to him.

"It's a flight lesson. I'll be right with you." The guy walks off.

"Just go with it. Distract him while I take a sniff around." Shawn says quietly.

"Who made the rule that I always have to be the distraction? Why isn't Nessa? Do you even know what you're looking for?" Gus asks.

"I'll know it when I see it. And I don't put it past Nessy to murder me in my sleep if I forced her to be the distraction. Especially when she's hungover." Shawn says.

"Hmm. Maybe you have more brain cells than I thought." Vanessa teases.

"I'll take that as a compliment. Ooh." Shawn looks at something on the ground. "It's not that pebble. When you're finished, I'll need you to teach me everything you've learned about how a plane works. Don't worry. Flying a plane is just like driving a guy."

"It's not like that at all." The man states.

"You see that? You're gonna be fine." Shawn says, patting Gus on the back.

"Okay, I need you to sign this waiver. Here, here, here." He points out before flipping the page. "Here, here, here, here, and here."

"That many signatures can not mean anything good." Vanessa mutters.

"Shawn." Gus calls to his friend who is looking through the plane.

"Also a copy of your driver's license and insurance..."

"Dude, this is sweet." Shawn says. "I'll meet up with you after you land." Shawn grabs Vanessa's wrist and drags her off.

"Where are we going?" Vanessa whispers as they sneak around the building. Shawn peeks into a garage where a few cars and an airplane is.

"Come on." Shawn drags her in and they go over to the plane. He looks through a few cabinets before pulling out a flight log. He opens the binder and flips through the pages. Shawn seems to be thinking about something before he takes a small pile of books out of the cabinet.

"You being this quiet is really freaking weird." Vanessa comments.

"I don't wanna explain stuff twice. You're gonna have to wait for Gus." Shawn says and Vanessa rolls her eyes.

~ ~ ~

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