012. kids' first case

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The door to Vanessa's house opens and she sees Shawn walk in.

"What happened to you knocking?" Vanessa asks.

"You take, like, 5 minutes to answer the door." Shawn says.

"I apologize that I don't portray the role of doorman... well, woman, at my own house. Or any other place that has a door." Vanessa says.

"Apology accepted. I have a case for us." Shawn says.

"Gus is out of town." Vanessa says.

"Well, he's on his way back and then the trio is complete." Shawn says.

"You know I can't take cases. My mom is out of town this weekend for that farmer's market event thing and I have trust issues with babysitters given most of the ones I've found have absolutely suck which leaves me with nobody to watch my children while I go on all those crazy, little adventures."

"Bring them with you." Shawn says.

"You want me to bring my children to a crime scene?" Vanessa asks. "Possibly more than one crime scene?"

"Why not? Life experience." Shawn shrugs.

"No. No, absolutely not. They are not being around that." Vanessa states.

"Oh, come on. We went to plenty of crime scenes as kids." Shawn says. "We turned out great."

"Are you gonna leave me alone at all if I say no?" Vanessa asks and Shawn pretends to think about it.

"No." Shawn shakes his head.

"If you do not censor your words in front of them, you're getting slapped." Vanessa threatens.

"Dully noted." Shawn says.


They're at the victim's house and are in her room, looking at the wall covered in pictures of her. Vanessa is holding Madison while Shawn holds Cassandra and Gus is holding Zachary's hand.

"Well... at least we won't forget what she looks like." Shawn says.

"My daughter definitely liked having her photo taken." Leonard states making them turn to him. "I think it's what she liked most about winning. Photography was her hobby, too, but we don't have a lot of time for hobbies. You kids play any sports?" He looks between Vanessa's kids.

"No. No sports. Yet, anyways, we'll see what they get interested in." Vanessa says.

"You keep a security camera in her room?" Gus asks.

"That guy, Felix Alvarez, the one the cops are looking for now... after he broke in, we beefed up security." Leonard states.

"I remember reading about that break in here. It must have been traumatic for her." Gus says.

"Yeah. It felt like she never got back to her former self as a player--"

"Mr. Sirtis... the spirits can be bashful." Shawn states. "Sometimes grumpy. Sleepy. Dopey."

"Shawn." Gus calls.



"Happy." Cassandra names, smiling.

"Not now, Cassie." Vanessa mumbles.

"What I'm saying is... they won't talk to me unless no one is in the room except myself and my compatriots and her little believers." Shawn says.

"That's me." Gus says.

"And then us." Vanessa says pointing between her and her children.

"That includes security cameras." Shawn says, pointing to the object.

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