chapter eighty-four

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The trio get to the crime scene and duck under the tape.

"And that, my dear Gus and Nessy, is why one should not text and drive." Shawn says as they walk up to the car and look at the body in the driver's seat. Shawn walks around, inspecting the scene.

"Spencer, get away from the vehicle." Lassie orders, walking over. "Shoo."

"This is an absolutely lovely crime scene you have here, Lassie. I especially enjoy what you do with the, uh... what's that called?" Shawn asks.

"Yellow tape." Gus says.

"Crime scene tape." Lassie corrects. "And it's there for a reason."

"Look, we only came over to get a closer look at the ride, because I used to have one just like it." Shawn says. "Gus, Nessa, and I built it from scratch in auto shop."

"Spencer. You don't want this case." Lassie states.

"Oh, but I do." Shawn argues.

"But you can't have it." Lassie smiles.

"Oh, but I will."

"Stop it."

"Look, Lassie, I know we've had our kerfuffles in the past, but let's be honest, this has all the makings of a psycho special -- fast cars."

"Fast women." Gus adds.

"Fast food." Vanessa says.

"Murder." Gus says.

"That too." Shawn points. 

"Enough." Lassie tells them. "The answer is no. I've done too much work on this case already, so I will thank you to get lost. In fact, I'll even help you. Miller, escort these three out of here, please." He tells a cop.

"Well, in that case, I guess we'll just have to race you for it." Shawn says. Gus tosses Shawn the keys who catches them and the three race to the Blueberry.


"Watch for the flash, guys." Shawn says. "Soon as Lassie hits 88, he goes back in time, and this time he does not go to the prom with his sister."

"It was his mother, and it was the Enchantment Under the Sea dance." Gus corrects.

"Come on, man, it was a throwaway, so we could make an entrance." Shawn says.

"But you got it wrong." Gus says.

"I can't do this with you right now." Shawn says.

"Spencer, I am trying to investigate a murder, so unless you have a reason to be here, leave." Lassie orders.

"Oh, I have a reason." Shawn says, putting his finger to his temple. "I'm getting the shooter was in a second car, one with wide tires found on street racing, hot rod type vehicles."

"Tell me something I don't know." Lassie says.

"All right. America's never lost a war when donkeys were in use." Shawn says. "And the Lamborghini's vehicle identification number was altered, which means it was stolen before."

"I knew that already as well -- the part about the vin number, not the donkeys. That's an interesting fact." Lassie says. "What I need to know is where the shooter's car was."

"Well, why don't you just extrapolate based on how long it took for the dead man's car to coast to a stop?" Gus asks.

"Yeah, what Chocolate Einstein just said." Shawn says.

"Um, Lassie, are you humming... danger music?" Shawn asks.

"We're done here." Lassie stops the video and walks off. "O'Hara, we got an ID on that victim yet?" He asks, walking over to her desk, the other three following.

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