chapter fifty-four

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They get to the police station, hurrying out of the pouring rain to get inside. Vanessa is holding Madison, Cassie is on Shawn's back, and Gus is holding Zach.

"It's just stupid, that's all." Shawn says as they get inside the station. Gus puts Zach down, holding his hand. "I mean, if he didn't have any hair, no one had any business calling him Fuzzy Wuzzy."

"They were being ironic, Shawn." Gus says.

"Yeah, but he wasn't Fuzzy, was he?" Shawn asks.

"No, he wasn't. Irony, Shawn." Gus says.

"My point precisely." Shawn says.

"Hey, guys." Jules greets. "What are you doing here?"

"We were just out for a stroll. Figured we'd stop in for a social call." Shawn says. "Plus, Gus left his retained in the break room.

"You came all the way down here in a torrential rainstorm for that?" Jules asks.

"Okay, the truth is we were bored. The storm knocked out our cable. Gus wouldn't play Boggle or Cranium. The children were getting restless." Shawn says.

"I said I would play some Cranium. The storm didn't knock out our cable. Shawn didn't pay the bill." Gus states.

"Would have. The storm would have knocked out our cable. You said it yourself, Jules. It's torrential out there." Shawn says.

"The real reason we're down here is to pick up the check for our last case so we can get our cable turned back on." Gus says.

"The weather has dampened my psychic powers, but I am sensing that something big is about to come through that door." Shawn says.

"Huge. We just got a call from Lassiter. He arrested Ernesto Ramos Chavez 20 minutes ago." Jules informs. "He is second in command of the Cinco Reyes."

"So he plays the big guitar in the mariachi band?" Shawn asks.

"No, Shawn, Cinco Reyes." Gus says, rolling the R. "Five Kings. They're one of the most dangerous gangs in our country."

"Very good, Mr. Guster." Vick says, walking up. Gus nods.

"Lassiter busted him several years ago, but the D.A. couldn't make the charges stick, so he just dropped off the radar." Jules says.

"But since then we've gotten hard evidence on Chavez that links him to a whole lotta nasty stuff. Enough to put him away for good." Vick says. "Lassiter did a great thing today."

"Hey. He's here." Buzz announces.

The door opens and Lassie walks in with Ernesto. Cassie rests her head against the back of Shawn's head, not wanting to make eye contact with the scary looking man.

"Come on, dude, this is way better than cable." Shawn says.

"I don't know. Ultimately, he's just another bad guy." Gus says. The lights go out for a few moments before coming back on.

"Book him." Lassie says, tossing a cop a set of keys. Everybody applauds and cheers as Lassie walks off and the cops take Ernesto to a cell.

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