chapter sixty-four

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Gus drives up to the Catholic school and parks, the trio getting out.

"How come you're so quiet?" Gus asks Shawn.

"Cause I'm mad at you." He states.

"What? How come?" Gus asks.

"How come? Really? Does this conversation sound familiar? Ring, ring. "Hey, Gus, you wanna go to the beach today?" "Ah, are you sure you don't wanna check out that jumper over at Saint Attalus?" "Nah, it sounds like a straightforward suicide to me. Are you peeing?" "No, Shawn, I'm doing the dishes." "Oh, sounds like you're peeing, excuse me.""

"The nozzle was on spray mode." Gus says. "And Shawn, I do not talk like that."

"You actually kinda do talk like that." Vanessa argues.

""Shawn, maybe we should stop by Saint Attalus just to be sure. Besides, there'll be all kinds of hotties running around in Catholic school girl uniforms. What?" Question... where are all the girls in the Catholic school girl uniforms, Gus?"

"There's one right over there." Gus points out.

"No, that is a male bagpiper. Why is this case so important to you?" Shawn asks.

"It happens to be intriguing to me. Besides, I'm here to see an old friend." Gus says.

"Burton Guster, you randy little spaniel. Why didn't you just say so? Dude, you know I love playing wingman. Just point her out." Shawn says. "We'll get this party started tonight." He sings the last word.

Gus points and the guy he's pointing to turns around.

"Father Westley?" Shawn asks.

"Hello, Gus." Westley greets, walking over.

"Scratch the wingman thing, man, I'm out." Shawn says.

"Thanks for coming." Westley shakes Gus' hand.

"Oh, of course." Gus says.

"Been a long time."

"Yes, it has."

"You remember Shawn Spencer and Vanessa O'Brien, don't you?" Gus says.

"How could I forget? He's my favorite little skeptic. Good to see again, Vanessa." Westley says, the blonde politely smiling in return.

"That's why my friends call me "Skepty."" Shawn says.

"No, they don't." Gus denies.

"They will." Shawn says.

"They won't." Vanessa argues.

"I was so happy to hear when you moved back to Santa Barbara." Gus says.

"You and I both. You know, I was right in the midst of shoveling five inches of snow off my driveway in Buffalo. When I got the call offering me the position here. I just can't believe the three of you have become detectives."

"Psychic detectives to be exact." Shawn says.

"Actually, he's the psychic, I'm a pharmaceutical salesman. And she's a, uh... a mom." Gus says.

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