chapter sixty-five

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Later that night, Vanessa returned to the house to help Gus out and found out that he called Father Westley. Shawn ended up showing back up, the four preparing to go into Lucy's room.

"I appreciate you keeping an open mind about this." Gus tells Shawn.

"No problem, buddy. Now tell me if, uh, if this girl turns out to be possessed and the whole exorcism things works... where does that leave us, as far as the case goes?" Shawn asks.

"It's over. We know why Agatha killed herself." Gus says.

"Right. Now when it doesn't work--" Shawn starts, Gus looking at him and Vanessa slaps his arm. "I'm sorry, if it doesn't work, will you promise me that we can go back to doing things my way?"

"And what way is that again?" Gus asks.

"Oh, you know, we follow a few leads, make some inappropriate jokes, I'll remember some stuff, and then we'll tip off the police using a little bit of this." Shawn wiggles his fingers while pointing to his head.

"You got it." Gus says, Vanessa nodding in agreement.

"All right." Shawn whispers, the trio turning when Father Westley walks over to them.

"All right, now I want you three in there with me in the event she needs to be restrained." Father Westley says. "Now, have any of you ever been involved in an exorcism?"

"No." Shawn answers.

"No." Gus shakes his head.

"Unless it's like three year old twins giving a tantrum, no." Vanessa states.

"You need to be strong in there. Understand?" Father Westley says, the other three slightly nodding. "All right, now let's bring it in." He holds his hand out, palm facing down. The trio share confused looks.

"Okay." Shawn shrugs, the three going to put their hands on top of each others. Father Westley laughs, pulling his hand back.

"This isn't a ball game, kids." Father Westley says, the other three starting to laugh. "I always try to start every exorcism with a little humor."

"Oh, check this one out. A priest, a rabb--"

"It's over now." Westley cuts him off. "Let's go." He heads for the door and turns back when the trio don't move. "Now."

"Right now." Shawn says, the three following him into Lucy's room.

"You're gonna need to know that demons will do everything in their power to keep from getting expelled." Westley states. "And their powers are great. And they know everything about us-- facts, dreams, inner desires. And they won't hesitate to use them against you."

Lucy sits up a bit, resting on her elbow.

"Hello? What's going on?" She asks, her voice normal.

"Shh. We're here to help." Westley tells her.

"But I don't need any help. I'm fine." Lucy says.

"You see that? She's fine. Great work. Who's up for some fro-yo?" Shawn asks.

"I hate fro-yo." Vanessa says.

"Okay, we'll get you ice cream or-or sherbet or something." Shawn says.

"She's lying in order to get us to leave." Westley says.

"Well, if I woke up and there two random dudes, a random chick, and a priest standing over me, I'd lie too." Shawn says. "Well... if it was just the chick, I probably wouldn't. I'd gladly accept her company." Vanessa lightly punches his arm

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