33. golfing

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"Brace yourself, Jan doesn't actually exist." Shawn states as the trio sit in the Psych office.

"What?" Gus asks.

"Fact. There is no record of a Jan Anglund, buyer of fine wines and food, on the internet anywhere. I did find a Jeff Anglund. He's an albino with a website dedicated to Short Circuit." Shawn says.

"You put us on the email list?" Gus asks.

"That's a given." Shawn says.

"Nice! Oh, so she was lying?" Gus asks.

"Or she really is checking into the nutcracker suite. Hear me out. Mira made Jan up." Shawn says.

"She made him up?" Gus asks.

"What is... Clozapine?" Shawn asks.

"it's an anti anxiety drug. It's also used to treat psychosis." Gus informs.

"Bingo. Mira had a prescription to Clozapine. But the refill date was from way back when, and she had a bunch of pills left." Shawn says.

"So she was off her meds." Gus says.

"And off her rocker. Even more so than her mother." Shawn says.

"What?" Gus asks.

"You do not wanna know." Vanessa says.

"Let's just say we know where Mira gets her freaky side." Shawn says.

"I don't wanna know anymore." Vanessa mumbles. "I didn't wanna know in the first place."

"I can't believe this. I was feeling bad for Mira. I even started to... oh, my gosh! Shawn, Nessa, she did all this to get me back. I fell for it again." Gus says.

"But wait, there's more. The pictures." Shawn states.


They're at the police station in the conference room. Mira is standing on one side of the table with her parents while Gus and Vanessa are across from them and Shawn is in between them. Vick, Lassiter, and Juliet are standing off to the side.

Shawn is waving his hand over the pictures that Mira has of Jann that are all set out on the table.

"I sense something is very, very, very wrong about these photos, very wrong indeed." Shawn says before looking at Mira. "Jan Anglund doesn't exist. Thank you and goodnight."

"Wait, wait, wait a minute!" Mira exclaims, making Shawn stopping from leaving. "Jann is real. Why would I make any of this up?"

"To trick me into falling for you again. I can't believe you'd go through all this just to get me back." Gus says.

"How sure are you about this theory?" Vick asks.

"Crystal. That doesn't really work. Very, very sure." Shawn says.

"Mm-hmm. Then how do you explain him?" Vick asks, pointing to the hall. They turn and see a tall, handsome man in the doorway who seems to be a little nervous and he matches the man in the pictures.

"Jann!" Mira runs to him.

"Mira!" Jann exclaims. "Honey, I'm so sorry." The couple hug, everybody else watching from the conference room.

"I'm gonna grab a Clark Bar from the vending machine. Uh, anyone else want anything? Chief? Jules? Gus, Nessy, you're good? Okay."

"Honey, I looked for you at the winery, but they said you were here." Jann says.

"Where were you?" Mira asks.

"You didn't get my message?" Jann asks.

"What message?" Mira asks.

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