088. shawn 2.0

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"Look, there's a reason those books have sold almost 30 million copies, Gus." Shawn says.

"Mostly to teenage girls." Gus says.

"And adult males who enjoy reading stories about vampire doctors and their dysfunctional dating lives." Shawn says.

"Nessa?" Gus glances at her.

"It's a free country. Read what you want." Vanessa says.

"Thank you. See, this is why you're my favorite." Shawn says. "And you're one to talk, Mr. "I bought Win a Date with Tad Hamilton on DVD.""

"There were 15 deleted scenes, Shawn." Gus reasons. "15. You said you were going to the office last night to catch up on work."

"Which I did, then I saw those beers in the fridge." Shawn says.

"Our fridge doesn't work." Gus says.

"Yes, but 7/11's does. It is there that I saw the "Internity" audiobooks for sale and decided that the paperwork would have to wait." Shawn explains as they walk into the coffee shop. "Hey, how'd your date go with that chick who spells her name weird?"

"Her name is Kim and she spells it K-I-M." Gus says.

"Which is just obnoxious. It's like if I was "Shawn" with three Ss."

"Basically the only way to spell Kim." Vanessa says.

"You're just jealous cause I'm in a relationship." Gus says.

"Um, hello." Vanessa glares at him.

"You've known her for six days." Shawn says.

"Which have been pure magic." Gus says. "You know when you just know?"

"Great. You guys." Minka walks over.

"Well, good morning to you, too, Minka." Shawn quips. "Gus will have his usual."

"Six chocolate chip muffins and a chocolate milk." Minka recites.

"Extra chocolate-y." Gus states.

"Nessa will also take her usual -- one blueberry muffin, one cinnamon roll, and a mocha." Shawn continues, Vanessa nodding in confirmation.

"I'll take down a baked good that I will be choosing momentarily and a latter that your fine establishment will be paying for once I nail the trivia question that you put on that board just like I do every morning." Shawn smiles.

"Oh, except this one." Minka remarks.

"I'm afraid your confidence reeks falser than your boyfriend's I.D. which, FYI, I saw taped to the counter at 7/11." Shawn says. "Good luck to you."

Minka rolls her eyes and walks away to get their order while Shawn decides on his baked good.

"Wait till you get a chance to meet Kim at the wedding on Saturday." Gus tells his friends. "You are going to love her."

"If you think we're gonna be third wheels to you and Kim with one "I" then you're nuts." Shawn says.

"It's not third wheeling when it's two couples, Shawn." Vanessa says.

"Well, then, Tobias is fifth wheeling." Shawn says.

"He actually might be asking somebody." Vanessa says.

"Does it rhyme with "Gooliet?"" Shawn asks.

"Mm-hmm." Vanessa asks.

"Tight. When did he ask her?" Gus asks.

"He hasn't yet. He keeps chickening out." Vanessa says.

Minka whistles.

"Order's ready." Minka points to the food and drinks. "And so is today's question." She walks over to the board.

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