009. forget me not

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"Gus, Nessa." Shawn calls, looking out the window of the office.

"What?" They ask.

"Gus, Gus, Gus, Gus, Gus. Nessy, Nessy, Nessy, Nessy. Come here." Shawn orders. "Look at this." The two walk over, looking at the two people Shawn is looking at. "Isn't that, uh..."

"Trish Connors." Gus says.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, and her dad." Shawn says. "Wow, she looks--"

"Hot." Gus states.

"I was going to say vulnerable. Maybe a little upset, but..."

"I mean, she was cute in high school, but she sure has grown."

"Okay, this just got uninteresting. Goodbye." Vanessa walks back over to her desk and sits behind it, tuning the conversation out.

After a few minutes, the two rush over, Gus leaning down to look in the small fridge and Shawn sitting at his desk with his back to the door. Vanessa is confused until she sees Trish and her dad walk in. Trish walks into the office, Captain Connors staying in the other room, looking around.

"Oh. Hey. Shawn." Trish greets. "Um, you probably don't remember me--"

"Don't speak." Shawn orders, holding a hand up.

"Oh." Trish mutters. She waves at the other two who wave back and Gus motions for her to not talk.

"I'm seeing a face. A face from the past. We know each other." Shawn says.

"Yes, we do." Trish nods.

"I said no speaking." Shawn says.

"Oh, sorry." Trish apologizes.

"We were classmates."

"Yes-- sorry."

"Did we ever kiss?"


"I'm sorry. That image may very well be coming from the not too distant future. I'm getting a name. Connor. Trish?" Shawn smiles, turning the chair towards her. "Trish Connors?"


"Look at you. Oh, my God, you look amazing!"

"Why does he sound like an overexcited mom?" Vanessa quietly asks herself.

"What are you doing down here?" Shawn asks. "Wait. Why am I sensing your father?"

"Dad." Trish calls, laughing in shock. Captain Connors walks in.

"Yes." Captain Connors says.

"Captain Connors, it is so good to see you again, sir." Shawn shakes his hand. "Please, come in. Sit down in our cushy chairs."

"Dad, you remember Shawn and Gus and Vanessa. We went to high school together." Trish reminds.

"I know who they are." Captain Connors says before pointing at Shawn. "This is Henry's boy." He points to Vanessa. "And that's William's girl. You don't have to speak to me as though I'm a child." He tells his daughter.

"Now, the reason the we came to see you is that there's a, uh... um... um..." Captain Connors tries to find something while he wears one pair of glasses, the other pair on his head.

"Dad, do you want me to hold something or--"

"Nope. No. Not now, please. If I could just... oh, damn it."

"Nobody breathe. I'm seeing something." Shawn says, closing his eyes. "Gus, Nessa, there was violence. Murder."

"Yes." Captain Connors says.

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