chapter forty-one

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Vanessa is putting groceries up when her phone rings and she answers it.

"Hello?" She answers.

"Nessy. I need your help." Shawn immediately states.

"Hello to you, too. Help with what?" Vanessa asks.

"My mom's here." Shawn informs.

"Like, Santa Barbara here or just California here?" The blonde asks, putting the cereal away.

"Like downstairs in the kitchen here." Shawn says.

"Wait, she's at your dad's house?" Vanessa asks.

"Yes! And I'm freaking out." Shawn says.

"Why?" She asks.

"They're all buddy buddy and stuff. I'm hiding out in my bedroom." Shawn tells her.

"You-- You're hiding out in your bedroom? What, are you, 11 years old?" Vanessa asks.

"Isn't it a little weird?" Shawn asks.

"I-I don't know. I don't know how good their relationship is to judge that. Aren't you happy she's back? You haven't seen her in years." Vanessa says.

"I mean, I guess. I don't know. I hate how it was just sprung on me. I opened the front door to leave, and bam! There she was." Shawn says. "She didn't tell me."

"What's she back for?" Vanessa asks.

"Work." Shawn answers. "Hey, did you know I had a Furby?"

"Yes, I knew. I gave it to you." Vanessa says.

"You gave me a Furby? Why?" Shawn asks.

"Because it's what my sister got me for a joke birthday gift when I turned 22. It freaked me out so you kept it." Vanessa says.

"Dude, you should come over and see all the stuff that's still in my room that I wasn't aware I had." Shawn says.

"Shawn, why don't you just go talk to your parents?" Vanessa suggests. "You're gonna have to sooner or later."

"You and both Gus said that. It's annoying." Shawn states.

"Only because you don't wanna do it when you know you have to." Vanessa states.

"I hate you." Shawn says.

"Love you, too. Go bond. Bye." Vanessa hangs up.


They got a case from one of Gus' bosses at work, and Gus and Vanessa park in front of the man's house.

Gus takes his phone out and calls Shawn, only getting voicemail.

"Shawn, don't do this to me. You're late. At this moment, you are officially late!" He looks up, seeing a shadow in the upstairs window. "Just call me when you get here." He hangs up. "Where is he?"

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