034. shawn's grandpa

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"This isn't gonna work, Shawn." Gus whispers as the three friends quietly walk through a wooded area.

"It's gonna work." Shawn insists.

"We've failed to get in here six times. We haven't gotten to one witness. We haven't seen where the missing man disappeared from. This place is a fortress." Gus says.

"I think you might be right. Maybe we should crawl." Shawn suggests.

"I'm not crawling on this wet grass." Gus states.

"Yeah, me neither." Vanessa agrees as they stop in front of a tall chain link fence that has signs warning of high voltage.

"Dudes, I read an article that says 90% of high voltage signs are bogus. They just hang them up there to scare people off." Shawn says.

"Good theory. You test it." Gus states.

"I can't touch that. I conduct way more electricity than you. You know that. Touch it. Just use your fingertip." Shawn says.

"I am not touching anything." Vanessa declares.

"I'm not touching an electrified fence, Shawn." Gus states.

The three get turned around, facing a security guard.

"How about I touch it?" The guard asks.

"I don't think I like the way that sounds." Shawn says.


They're at Henry's house and try to sneak out with some of his stuff for a stakeout, but given they walked past Henry who is reading on the couch, he caught them.

"What the hell are you doing with my stuff?" The man questions.

"We need tools." Shawn states.

"For what?" Henry asks. Gus and Shawn set the cooler down.

"If you must ask, it's for a stakeout, okay? We've got a tough case, and our binoculars only go up to 2x." Shawn states.

"Well, what are you doing with my cooler?" Henry asks.

"We have to keep the gelato cold in the car." Gus informs.

"You three girls are useless. Shawn, didn't you learn anything I ever taught you about surveillance? Vanessa, didn't your dad teach you stuff?" Henry asks.

"Not really." Vanessa shakes her head.

"We happen to be awesome at covert ops." Shawn objects.

"We just ran a bit of a gauntlet and took a missing person case based in an extremely difficult place to crack." Gus tells him.

"Uh-huh. And what impenetrable stronghold did the missing person disappear from?" Henry asks and Shawn lets out an incoherent mumble. "Say again?"

"Glorious Pines." Shawn says louder.

"The old age home?" Henry asks.

"It's a retirement community." Shawn corrects.

"It's top of the line in independent senior living, with a full time security team." Gus says and Henry laughs.

"My son, the super sleuth, can't even get himself access into an old folks home." Henry says, still laughing.

"No, no, no, no, dad. You have no idea what we're up against. Okay? I tried everything. I tried the whole I'm a traveling doula bit, the dingo ate my baby routine, hiding Gus in a sack trick, which never fails. We even tried to get Nessa to seduce them."

"I only did it since they paid me 40 bucks and agreed to babysit three weekends in a row. Which adds to the babysitting time they already owe me." Vanessa grins in satisfaction.

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