chapter seventy-one

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Vanessa opens the door to the Psych office, making sure all three of her children walk in first, her following them, Madison's hand held in hers. They reach the office part, finding Gus and Shawn standing by Gus' desk, two baby dolls on the table, and a wrestling match on TV.

"Oh, you guys... still do that." Vanessa notes, a small smirk on her face.

"Uncle Gussy and Uncle Shawnie play with dolls." Madison giggles.

"Is a four year old making fun of us?" Shawn asks.

"Yeah, I think so." Vanessa nods.

"What are you guys all doing here?" Shawn asks, looking between the kids, as Gus covers the dolls up.

"You guys are babysitting." Vanessa reminds.

"What? I don't remember agreeing to that." Shawn scoffs.

"I agreed to it. I didn't know it was supposed to be today, though." Gus says.

"Yes, you did." Vanessa nods. "I told you what day." Gus goes to his desk and looks at his calendar.

"Aw, man." He mumbles. "They better not interrupt the wrestling match." He states making Vanessa roll her eyes.

"Why are we babysitting? What are you doing?" Shawn asks.

"Um... well, I... I have a date." Vanessa states.

"A... a date?" Shawn awkwardly chuckles. "What? No. Since when do you date?"

"Since I'm a grown woman, trying to move on with her life." Vanessa says.

"Well, who is this guy? We should meet him. Give him the Shawn and Gus approval." Shawn states.

"Um, yeah, no. It's-- it's the first date. I'm not letting you scare him away with a bunch of fake facts about me." Vanessa says.

"Wh... it's the middle of the afternoon. How early is this date? What, you going out with my dad?" Shawn jokes. "Wait, you're not, are you?"

"Gross. No." Vanessa shakes her head. "I'm dropping them off now cause I have to get ready for the date. Shower, shave, make up, get dressed, all that fun stuff." She mutters.

"What are you guys doing?" Shawn asks. Gus rolls his eyes at Shawn's questioning.

"You three want some popsicles?" Gus asks the kids.

"Yeah!" They all grin, following Gus to the kitchen area, leaving the two alone.

"Dinner." Vanessa answers Shawn's question.

"How do you know this dude isn't some psycho, Nessy?" Shawn asks.

"He's the twins' music teacher." Vanessa informs, walking closer to Shawn.

"A music teacher? Really? Musicians are so wishy washy." Shawn asks.

"Name one musician you know." Vanessa retorts. Shawn goes to answer, but closes his mouth as he knows none. "Exactly."

"I just don't think it's the greatest idea." Shawn says.

"I'm sorry. Is somebody jealous, Mr. I've been in a relationship with a woman for months?" Vanessa questions.

"Pfft. No." Shawn scoffs. Vanessa raises one eyebrow. "I'm not jealous. Just... concerned."

"Well, thanks, Shawnie, but I think I'll be fine." Vanessa says.

"Is it really the smartest idea, though? I mean, what if the kids get attached?" Shawn asks.

"I'm not asking him to marry me. It's just a date." Vanessa says. "And it's not like this--" She points between them. "--is going anywhere. You're with Abigail and you're happy with her... I'm assuming."

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