014. urban legend creators

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Halloween 1987

Shawn walks up to the police car where his dad is. His costume is a police officer.

"This is torture." 10 year old Shawn complains.

"It's not torture, Shawn. It's a 10 minute ride to the police station." Henry says.

"But I want to eat my candy!" The boy whines.

"Not until I have it X-rayed." Henry says.

"Well, can I eat my candy?" Gus asks, walking up to them and he's dressed in a Landon Calrissian costume.

"And can I eat mine?" Vanessa asks, dressed as Dorothy from The Wizard of Oz.

"Knock yourself out, Lando, Dorothy." Henry says. "If your old men don't mind their 10 year old daughter and 9 year old son passing razor blades."


The three friends are sitting in the front seat of the squad car that Henry is driving as they go to the station. Suddenly, a man throws himself at the car, forcing Henry to slam on the brakes. The man peers into the open window.

"Help! Officer, please! We've got a jumper!" The man exclaims.

"Hey, hey, back off. I got kids in here." Henry says.

"Phone lines are down. We've tried the police already. There's no time, she's really going to jump." The man says.

"Okay, okay, look, look, I'll radio for backup, but I'm not going to subject these kids to--"

"Dad, you have to help." Shawn says, the three children looking at the building and seeing a woman by an open window on an upper floor. Henry look and sees her in the open window.

"Son of a..." He mutters." Henry puts the lights and sirens on, driving to the building and pulling up in front. "All right, now, listen to me, kids. I do not want you to leave this vehicle. Do you understand? I want you to stay put until I get back. Don't look. Don't listen. Just shut your eyes." Henry gets out of the car. "And keep them shut. I'll be right back."

The three shut their eyes.

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" Shawn asks.

"Maybe..." Vanessa trails off hesitantly.

"Not even sort of." Gus answers.

Shawn opens his eyes and looks up at the woman in the window. Vanessa opens one eye before opening the other. Gus looks through his hand and the woman leans forward, starting to fall. Gus puts his hands over Shawn and Vanessa's eyes while keeping his own squeezed shut.

Shawn tries to pull Gus' hand away from his face.

"Gus!" Shawn protests.

"You'll thank me later." Gus tells him.

Shawn gets Gus' hand off of his face, only to find the window empty. Vanessa and Gus look before the three look at each other.

present day

The three walk into the psych office, dressed from playing racquetball.

"You cheated." Gus insists.

"I did not cheat. You're not using the side walls at all." Shawn says.

"I don't need your tips, Shawn. I've beaten you before." Gus says.

"Yeah, when we were 12 and I had pink eye." Shawn says.

"Would you two let it go?" Vanessa questions.

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