chapter forty-six

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"You may be able to sense the electricity in the room. That's because our arrival usually signals that a huge case is going down." Shawn states as him, Gus, Vanessa, and a reporter walk through the station.

"Step in here, please, gentlemen, Ms. O'Brien." Vick says.

"That's the chief. She likes the three of us very much." Shawn says.

"I'm sorry, you are?" Vick asks the unfamiliar woman.

"Oh, sorry, chief. I got roped into doing a silly interview with The Independent." Shawn says. "They've been calling and begging for weeks, and I finally relented."

"You called me." The reporter argues.

"And you called me back. Which means we're both right. The important thing is that you got your cover story." Shawn says.

"Actually, it's page 64." The reporter says.

"Really depends on how you fold it, doesn't it?" Shawn asks.

"She can't be in here, so get her the hell out." Vick orders. Her, Vanessa, and Gus go in the office where Jules and Lassie are while Shawn talks to the reporter. After a couple of minutes, Shawn comes in.

"Lassie, you're here! I need you..." Shawn moves him to the left a bit. "Here." Shawn opens the blinds to reveal the reporter on the other side of the window. "Chief, what's up?" He asks, going to the desk. Vanessa and Gus back away so they won't be in the pictures that the reporter is going to take.

"Mr. Spencer, as you may be aware, California prisoner's advocacy--" She stops as Shawn puts one leg up on the chair and she looks at the reporter taking photos. "Are you okay?"

"Right as rain." Shawn answers, turning to the reporter who keeps taking pictures.

"Long story short, a handful of convictions, some of them decades old, have been recently called into question." Vick says.

"Unfortunately, the biggest one was a Santa Barbara P.D. conviction." Jules informs, handing Vick a file.

"So we are reopening the case and launching a new investigation. Now we're hiring y--" Vick watches Shawn rub his arm, grinning at the camera until he turns to her. "You to provide us with any psychic leads that you may have. Now, normally, we don't devote department resources to this, but these are special circumstances." She says, handing Shawn the file.

"Oh, could you do the handoff again, chief?" Shawn asks, holding the file out to her. She grabs the file, pretending to give it to him as Shawn grins at the reporter who snaps more pictures.

"Thanks." Shawn says, opening the file. "Oh, no."

"What is it?" Gus asks.

"It's my dad's biggest case." Shawn says.

"Wait, you mean--" Vanessa starts to ask and Shawn nods, answering her question.


"It goes without saying, Mr. Spencer, that your father is in no way to participate in this investigation." Vick states as the four walk out of the station. "He's no longer on the force, and his meddling could compromise the case in court. Do I make myself clear?"

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