chapter forty-five

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Henry, Vanessa, Shawn, and Gus sit in an interrogation room at the station, waiting in silence for the detectives to come in.

"Don't say a word." Henry says.

"Fergulous." Shawn says after a few moments.

"Shawn, I said no words." Henry says.

"Oh, I see how it is. Two weeks ago, we're playing Scrabble, it's not a word. Now suddenly it is a word because it's convenient for you." Shawn says, turning to look at Gus. "Oh, buddy." He reaches behind his ear, but Gus slaps his hand away.

"Dude, you've got some peat moss jammed behind your ear." Shawn says as Gus pulls it off his ear. "It could be infested with mites."

"Mites?" Gus asks and he puts his left leg on the table to show his foot that only has a sock on. "I lost a $200 shoe. Your dad almost got a skull fracture. Nessa has a concussion and two giant bruises on her knees. You're the one who got us into this. And absolutely nothing happened to you."

"I do find that a little unfair." Vanessa agrees.

"Would you three stop it? I've been on the other side of this table a thousand times. You tell them only what they need to know." Henry states.

"What do we say about Uncle Jack?" Shawn asks.

"He's not here, is he, Shawn? Why don't we take care of ourselves? We didn't do anything wrong. We didn't break any laws." Henry says, but the trio's expressions tell him otherwise. "Oh, no. Oh, no, what-- what'd you do, Shawn?" He whispers, leaning over Vanessa slightly to talk to his son.

"Nothing. It's just that laws keep changing. It's getting very challenging to keep up with them all." Shawn whispers. "Did you know, for instance, that it is now illegal to give a perm to a possum? What?" He quietly chuckles.

"Shawn, did you or did you not break any laws?" Henry asks.

"We impersonated priests." Gus whispers.

"What?" The other three exclaim.

"No, we didn't." Vanessa objects.

"We were professors." Shawn says, Vanessa pointing to him in agreement.

"We were priests, guys." Gus says.

"No." Vanessa shakes her head.

They look to the door as it opens.

"You gentlemen and lady have a lot of explaining to do." Vick states, walking in with Jules and Lassie following her.

"You can bet your ass I'm getting to the bottom of this." Lassie says.

"Don't I get a phone call or something?" Shawn asks.

"No." Lassie answers.

"Everybody you'd call is in this room." Vanessa says.

"Fine. How about a text message? I'll be quick. I just need to respond "OMG, LOL." Here's a question. How do you make the face that's winking with the tongue coming out one side?" Shawn says."

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