010. dating parents

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The three friends are in the police station and Vanessa is holding Madison.

"Check this out." Shawn whispers to his friends as Lassiter enters the station.

"What?" They ask.

"Hey, Lassie." Shawn greets as the four walk into the station.

"What is it, Spencer?" Lassiter asks.

"How you doing? You okay?" Shawn asks.

"All right, I'll bite. What's the joke?" Lassiter asks.

"Just wanted to make sure you got home all right last night." Shawn says.

"From what?" Lassiter asks.

"From the bar."

"What bar?"

"You were at a bar?" Juliet asks, joining them as they walk to Lassiter's desk.

"No, I wasn't at a bar. I don't drink." Lassiter says.

"You don't drink?" Juliet asks.

"Well, okay, wine. At weddings. An occasional snifter of brandy. Maybe a good single malt scotch." Lassiter says.

"Sounds like drinking to me." Gus says.

"Spencer... why don't you stop making up stories, okay? They're obviously bogus." Lassiter states.

"Okay, so you weren't at Tom Blair's Pub last night?" Shawn asks.

"I don't even know who Tom Blair is." Lassiter says.

"Mm-hmm. And how'd you get that, uh, sweet bruise on your forehead?"

"I had an altercation."

"Yes, with a table." Shawn says, sharing small laughs with the other three.

"With a suspect. If we're done, I would really like to move on with my day."

"I get it. Yesterday was a... tough anniversary for you."

"What? Who have you been talking to?"

"Nobody. I'll get out of your hair." Shawn, Gus, and Vanessa walk away. "Okay... we got to solve that case."

"What case?" Gus asks.

"The one Lassiter can't solve." Shawn says.

"He's going to hire us for a case?" Gus asks.

"Oh, God, no. He'd never do that." Shawn says.

"So we won't get paid?"


"And we're just doing it for the glory?"

"Nope. We give Lassiter all the credit. In fact, I don't even think he can know we're helping him."

"Dude. That's a good idea, Shawn. I ditch out of work on the day we release three new products to spend time on an unsolvable case in which we won't get paid and someone else gets all the credit."

"That, quite honestly, was the best nut-shelling I've ever heard."

"We made a deal. Yesterday. We're equal partners. That means we collectively decide which appointments to make, which cases to take. We have to live by that, at least for a day. Especially today."

"You're right."

"Thank you."

"That's going to be a problem, though."


"Because we've already got a meeting with the dead guy's widow."


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