085. senior detectives

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"What is today, casual Friday?" Shawn remarks as they walk along the docks.

"No, Shawn, it's my day off." Henry says. "The chief wanted all living bodies on hand. You know who the victim is, don't you?"

"Santa Barbara's oldest lobsterman?" Shawn asks.

"No, Shawn. Herb Wilkins." Henry says. "He's the best chief this department's ever had, and my boss for over 20 years."

"Well, here's the good news, looks like he lived eight or nine decades before he met his maker." Shawn says.

"I'm gonna ask you to be respectful here." Henry says.

"I will politely decline." Shawn retorts. Vanessa smacks him in the stomach. "Come on, dad, I'm kidding. All right, I get it." There's a car horn and Vanessa looks over, seeing two older guys get out.

"Who are the old guys?" Shawn asks.

"Boone and Peters, veterans of the SBPD." Henry informs. "Worked under Herb for many, many years. Volunteers nowadays. These guys are legends."

"So are leprechauns, but you don't see them rolling out crime tape." Shawn says.

"You guys wish you had 1/10 of the knowledge these guys currently have." Henry says. "Hey, buddy."

"Henry." Peters shakes his hand as he passes.

"Good to see you. Thank you, thank you." Henry shakes Boone's hand as he walks past.

"Oh, come on. Dad, these guys are retired." Shawn says. "The only thing they do now is keep minors from doing whip-its at the 7/11."

"These guys knew Herb better than anyone on the planet. Quit being a wiseass, you three might learn something here." Henry says, walking off.

"The only thing I'm gonna learn from those two is what time the hometown buffet closes." Shawn scoffs, starting to walk down to the boat.

"It closes at 8:00." Gus says. Vanessa and Shawn look at him. "What? It closes at 8:00, Shawn."

"As many of you now know, the deceased is Herb Wilkins." Vick says. "He was SBPD's police chief for 20 years, and we don't know what this is yet, but Herb's legacy is to be protected."

"Looks like the poor guy offed himself." Gus quietly says.

"He definitely did not off himself." Shawn whispers. "I'm having a clear vision on a cloudy day." Shawn announces. "Herb Wilkins did not--"

"Kill himself." Peters cuts Shawn off.

"Thank you, Mr. Peters, is it?" Shawn asks. "If it's all right with you, I'd like to continue. My name is Shawn Spencer. I am the psychic detective for the--"

"Psychic?" Boone asks. "Son, we don't mess with the devil. You better ride that goat with someone else."

"The devil. Really? All right, well, how else would I know that he--"

"Was wrapped up in duct tape." Peters says. "Which explains why he's missing hair on his wrist."

"Sir, I am doing my best to respect your legacy and your wisdom, the many world and civil wars that you've both seen and perhaps fought in." Shawn says.

"And Herb was not killed on this boat." Boone says.

"Chief, I can tell you definitively Herb did not die on this boat." Shawn says.

"Nope, not on this boat." Gus says. "Nowhere near this boat."

"He was killed in another location T.B.S." Shawn says.

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