chapter forty-four

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The trio walk up to Jules in the police station, the woman staring after a female cop.

"What are you doing?" Gus asks making Jules let out a small gasp as she turns to them.

"I'll give you an A plus for the skulking, but a C minus for the leering." Shawn says.

"I have to find Lassiter a date for the weekend. I've narrowed it down to three prospective candidates." Jules says.

"Jules, why would you possibly want to jump into that snake pit?" Shawn asks.

"Vick ordered me to." Jules informs.

"All right. Would you like me to give your candidates a psychic once over?" Shawn asks.

"If you have to." Jules says.

"I'm sensing it'll be easier to get a stranger to go out with him than someone he works with." Shawn says.

"Or knows him." Gus says.

"Or has no mutual sort of connection to him." Vanessa says.

"Or has ever had a conversation with him." Shawn says.

"Or he hasn't shot." Gus says.

"Or has ever heard of his name." Vanessa says.

"One more question. Are we locked into the same species?" Shawn asks.

"Enough already. What are you guys doing here?" Jules asks.

"We need a background check on Manny Robertson." Shawn says.

"Oh, I know that name. Yeah, we've had him in here a few times on some get rich quick scams. Why him?" Jules asks.

"I'm getting a very strong vibe off him on this awesome daredevils case we're working." Shawn says.

"It's not awesome, it's terrifying." Vanessa says.

"Daredevils, really?" Jules asks, laughing. "They're still around?"

"Don't... don't do that." Shawn says. "Don't hate on the devils."

"I just-- I-I never got it personally. I mean, "Ooh, I can jump over a flaming trashcan." I mean, why do people care?" She asks.

"Allow me." Gus says. He grabs two chairs and puts them so they're not right next to anything.

"What is he doing?" Jules asks.

"Wait for it." Shawn says. Gus walks a feet feet away from the chairs and stretches. "Wait for iiiiiiitttt." Shawn sings. Gus jumps over both chairs, getting cheers from everybody in the room except Jules. "What's up?!" Shawn exclaims. Vanessa claps, but also doesn't fully care as people chant Gus' name.

~ ~ ~

There's no five chairs lined up and everybody is standing to the side, watching Gus lead Buzz through the process. Jules gives Shawn and Jules a doubtful look and Shawn gives her it's an okay look while Vanessa shrugs.

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