020. easy bake oven upside down cake

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The three friends enter the conference room where Vick, Lassiter, Juliet, Ewing, and Lindsay are. Vick stops talking when they walk in.

"Thank goodness! Finally, some nice seats, huh? This is what I'm talking about." Shawn says as the three sit down. "What? Did I... did I just sit in something? Gus, do I have pudding on my jeans?" Shawn asks, standing up.

"No." Gus answers.

"Nothing?" Shawn asks, sitting back down.

"Shawn. I think we're not welcomed here." Gus says.

"Gus, don't be a paranoid schizophrenic. We're always welcome here." Shawn says.

"No, I think Gus is right." Vanessa says.

"Look." Gus orders and the three watch as nobody will meet their gaze.

"Oh, my God. We're not welcome." Shawn says.

"It's nothing personal, Mr. Spencer. Special Agent Ewing just feels that Ms. Leikin has things covered on the psychic front, and I have to agree with him." Vick says.

"Okay. I can take a hint. Certainly don't need to be told twice." Shawn says.

"I think you were just told three times." Gus says.

"Or maybe four." Vanessa says.

"You know what, this is fine, because we had a good run. Thank you for the memories." Shawn says and him, Vanessa, and Gus get up. When they get to the door, Shawn stops and turns.

"Oh, just one more thing. You might want to check the cash from the dealership because it's not all counterfeit." Shawn informs. He mock salutes, starting to leave.

"That's ridiculous." Ewing declares, standing up, making the other three stop. "If I had learned how to laugh as a child, I would right now. I looked at all those bills myself. Do you really want to go against the leading special agent in counterfeiting with 14 years of experience under his belt and say that those bills weren't fake?" Ewing asks.

"Not all of them. Just one. And I believe the serial number was ALD97570807...7!" Shawn states. The trio leave.

"Where are we going? Shouldn't we have stayed until they checked the bills out?" Gus asks.

"Wait for it. Wait for it..." Shawn says, dragging it out.

"Spencer!" They hear Lassiter call. "Hold up." They turn to see the others followed Lassiter.

"The bill checked out. It's real." Juliet says.

"All right, answer me this, Mr. Psychic. Why would a counterfeiter ever use real bills?" Ewing asks.

"Because he had to. Man... I read your informational packet cover to cover. Our guy spends 6 to 8 days in every city... we're only on day 4. Quite simply, he ran out of dough. He didn't know what kind of deal he'd be able to make on the car. Turns out, short one bill." Shawn says.

"Lucky for us." Gus says.

"So what's our next move?" Vick asks.

"Well, I'll call Washington and begin--"

"I'm sorry. I was asking Mr. Spencer." Vick tells Ewing.

"Oh... oh, you want to know what I think his next move is. Oh, Gus, Nessa, look, she wants... well, let's see here. He's gotta print more money. My guess is he, uh, set up shop here in town. So... we find his little nest, we find him."


It's nighttime and the three are at the psych office. Vanessa's kids are all asleep in sleeping bags on the floor. Since it's not a week night, Vanessa let them spend the night here instead of at her mom's since they asked to be with their mom and uncles.

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