chapter fifty-two

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Gus and Vanessa are in the Psych office with the twins and Madison and Shawn walks in, holding a box of decorations.

"What took you so long?" Shawn asks. "You know I have to get to my mom and dad's."

"Choosing the perfect holiday gift takes time, Gus. You can't cut corners." Shawn says, holding up a framed painting of himself. "You have to customize. Match the gift... with the individual." He holds up a pineapple with a bow on it.

"Look... I took our Halloween decorations and put Santa hats on them." Shawn says, holding up two plastic Jack-O-Lanterns. "What do you think?" He pulls the pumpkin heads up, the two fake pumpkins making noise.

"Look, can we do this later? My sister Joy's flight gets in any minute now." Gus says.

"You have plenty of time." Shawn says.

"No, I don't, Shawn. You know she usually works during the holidays. London, Paris, Hong Kong." Gus says.

"Maybe I should work with her." Vanessa comments.

"Now that she's home, we have to spend as much time together as possible." Gus states.

"All that time away from home for work. Precisely why I didn't go to law school." Shawn says.

"Yeah, that and the school part." Gus says.

The bell on the door rings and a young girl, probably no older than nine or ten, walks in.

"Well, hello there. May I help you?" Shawn asks, the three adults sending a polite smile to the girl.

"Are you Mr. Psych?" The girl asks making Vanessa softly chuckle as do Shawn and Gus.

"I'm Mr. Shawn. And this is Scrooge Jones. This is Ms. Cindy Lou McCallister. We're psychic detectives. Who might you be?" Shawn asks.

"My name is Brittany." The girl informs, smiling. "Mr. Shawn... I need to hire you."

"I see. What for?" Shawn asks.

"To get Santa out of jail. All I have is $1.38. I hope it's enough." The girl says, taking some change out.

"We couldn't possibly accept that." Gus says, Vanessa nodding in agreement.

"He's right. What else do you have?" Shawn asks making Vanessa and Gus smack him.

"The policemen dragged him away from the Santa's Village in Solvang." Brittany says. "Please. You have to help him."

"Don't worry, Brittany. There are some wonderful public defenders in the North Pole. Santa will be out in no time." Shawn assures.

"But if he's not out by Christmas Eve, he can't deliver his toys." Brittany says.

"Uh, this is..." Shawn starts.

"This is a matter for the police." Gus says.

"Yes. And we never interfere with police matters." Shawn says.

"I understand." Brittany says.

"Okay." Shawn smiles.

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