019. another psychic

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The three friends walk through the SBPD and can see a man tying his shoe, only able to see his legs and hands.

"Hey, check it out. There's Lassiter. Make a loop like a bunny's ear, wrap it around, careful as you steer." Shawn narrates before clapping. "That's a good boy, Lassie." The man stands up, somebody they don't recognize. "Wait a minute. You're not Lassie."

"Well, I don't know what a Lassie is, but I'm not it." The man states.

"I mean, one Lassie is a dog." Vanessa says.

"I'm Special Agent Lars Ewing with the FTD." The man informs.

"You're a special florist?" Shawn asks.

"Federal Treasure Department." Ewing says, holding a badge up.

"We have a department that deals exclusively with treasures?" Shawn asks.

"If you'll excuse me, I have a meeting in an Interim Chief Vick's office." Ewing says, going to leave, but Shawn stops him.

"That's where our meeting is! This is very exciting. I feel nervous. Is that what you're wearing?" Shawn asks.

"This goes against every federal bone in my body, but who are you guys?" Ewing asks.

"I'm not familiar with the federal bone. Is that connected to the hip bone or the knee bone?" Shawn asks.

"Well, I can tell you what the knee bone is gonna connect with if you don't get out of my way." Ewing says.

"I'm gonna guess, not the funny bone?" Gus assumes. Shawn laughs as Ewing leaves.

"Wow." Shawn mutters.

"Yeah." Gus sighs.

"This meeting is bigger than we thought." Shawn says.

They start to go to Vick's office when Shawn stops them.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Get us some seats close to the desk, but not on the side. I'll catch up in a second." Shawn says and the other two leave.

~ ~ ~

Shawn walks into Vick's office, standing next to Vanessa and Gus is on her other side.

"Don't let me interrupt. Please continue." Shawn tells Vick. "What'd I say about seats on the side?" He asks his friends.

"Mr. Spencer, this is Special Agent Ewing from the Treasury Department in Washington." Vick introduces.

"Yes, we sniffed one another in the hallway." Shawn says.

"He is here because they have been tracking an aggressive forger who's been counterfeiting large numbers of $100 bills and then laundering the money into small communities across the country." Vick states.

"The last being a Home Depot right here in the heart of your little hamlet." Ewing says.

"Well, we are raring to help you with this federal bust." Lassiter says.

"Who is this?" Ewing asks.

"This is Carlton Lassiter, our head detective, and his junior partner, Juliet O'Hara." Vick states.

"Ah, the name Juliet. "How silver-sweet sound lovers' tongues by night." Shakespeare. Romeo and Juliet." Ewing says.

""Tootie, you in trouble." It's Mindy Cohn. Facts of Life?" Shawn says.

"Could you gentlemen and lady please state your name once again? And please speak clearly." Ewing says, putting a recording device on the desk, turning it on.

"Is that a recording device? Government issued?" Lassiter asks.

"Asking if that is a recording device is like asking if this--" Ewing takes a pen out. "Is a pen."

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