026. undcover high school

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The trio are walking down the street to the psych office, having left a cafe.

"Shawn, we've reached a certain level of success. If you wanna keep doing these "is my boyfriend cheating on me?" cases, you're gonna have to do them without me." Gus states.

"Yeah, or me." Vanessa agrees.

"Gus, Nessy, you both continue to underestimate me. I'll have you know that right now, as we speak, we're on our way to the office to meet with two gentlemen named Shockley and Goddard who have a very big case for us."

"So what are we talkin'? Robbery? Missing persons?" Gus asks.

"They want us to look into a serious matter of... well, that actually wasn't in the email." Shawn says.

"So how do you know it was real?"

"They used all caps, Gus. The meeting's at 2:00. We better hurry."

"It's 2:18."

"Well, somebody had to have the Belgian chocolate fondue, didn't they?" Shawn says.

"That was you." Gus and Vanessa chorus.

"Well, played, sir and ma'am." Shawn says.

"Dude, I have to pick up Maddie from daycare in like 20 minutes." Vanessa says.

"You have your mom. Get her to do it." Shawn shrugs.

"As I've said before, my mother is not there to wait on me hand and foot." Vanessa says.

"Well, she loves her grandchildren, surely she'll pick the baby up." Shawn says, jogging ahead to the office.

Vanessa rolls her eyes, her and Gus following Shawn into the office.

"Just let me do the talking. I don't want you to scare them off with your non sequitur ridiculousness." Gus says.

"What the hell does that mean?" Vanessa mutters.

They walk into the office, finding two teenage boys sat on the chairs by the window. They're both holding backpacks and wearing school uniforms.

"Please tell me you're not Mr. Shockley and Mr. Goddard." Shawn says. Vanessa and Gus glare at him. The three turn their backs to the boys. "Okay, before one or two of us goes all crazy and demands the other one apologize for taking a case from a couple grade schoolers, let's just hear them out."

They turn back to the boys.

"What can we do for you, gentlemen?" Shawn asks.

"One of our teachers is a murderer." The boy with red hair states.

"Okay, I'm sorry." Shawn whispers to his friends. "Please, continue." He tells the teens.

"He's killed before. And in two days, he's gonna kill again. And the cops don't listen to us cause we're kids." The other boy says.

"Okay, well, since we're here, and we don't have another meeting for--" Gus checks his watch. "A week, which one of your teachers is going to do this terrible thing?"

"We don't know." The second boy says. Vanessa shares a done look with Gus.

"Who's been murdered?" Shawn asks.

"We don't know." The redhead says.

"Who's the next victim?" Vanessa asks.

"We don't know." The other boy says.

"Do you two know anything?" Vanessa snaps.

"Okay, they're still children." Shawn mutters.

"They're 15, they can handle my wrath." Vanessa hisses.

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