003. psych

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They're in the car and spying, Vanessa in the backseat.

"Why are we at the McCallum offices?" Gus asks.

"What is the magnification on these things?" Shawn asks, referring to the binoculars he's using.

"2X." Gus states.

"Okay, we need to stop at Walmart on the way home." Shawn states.

"Why don't you just take your big, loud motorcycle?" Gus asks.

"Ooh, here we go. Here we go." Shawn says.

"Oh, hell no." Gus exclaims after seeing Katarina walk out of the building.

"Please don't tell me we're here to stalk your crush." Vanessa says.

"You got me out of work so you could stalk a girl?" Gus asks.

"Damn it. What is he doing here?" Shawn asks.

"I can't believe this." Gus shakes his head.

"What's up with his hair? It's horrible. I knew I should've had him picked up for questioning. That is not the way a grown man kisses a grown woman. We're-- we're fine." Shawn says.

"And we don't care." Vanessa states, motioning between her and Gus who nods in agreement.

"Why does she look so nervous? OH, no. Is it just me or does that bag look like it's filled with stacks of ransom money?" Shawn asks. Gus takes the binoculars, looking at the bag Katarina is holding.

"Oh, my God." Gus mutters as Vanessa looks through the binoculars.

"Katarina." Shawn sighs.

"It was her. You're dating a murderer." Gus states.

"Bad luck in the women department, Shawnie." Vanessa mockingly feels bad for him.

"Not exclusively." Shawn states.

"Wow." Gus exhales before laughing as he follows her car. "You see, I knew there was a reason she went for you so easily."

"Yeah, you're not that cool." Vanessa says.

"She wasn't lying. I know when people are lying." Shawn states.

"Oh, yeah? Apparently not." Gus says. "You just got played."


"I'm telling you, there's no way Katarina's going to talk to you." Gus says as the trio stand in the McCallum's house.

"Yeah, well, I sort of lied about that part." Shawn says. "We're not here to see Katarina."

"Who we here to see?" Gus asks.

"This is highly inappropriate, Mr. Spencer." They turn to the stairs where Mr. McCallum is walking down. "The investigation is over."

"Are you kidding me?" Vanessa mutters to her friend.

"What if they got the wrong man?" Shawn asks.

"And who would the right man be?" Mr. McCallum asks.

"You." Shawn states.

"Oh, God." Vanessa whispers under her breath.

~ ~ ~

Mr. McCallum leads them into his office.

"Mr. McCallum, I didn't have anything to do with this." Gus states.

"Yeah, no, me neither." Vanessa says.

"I killed my own son?" Mr. McCallum asks Shawn.

"If it makes you feel any better, I don't think you meant to." Shawn says.

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