chapter seventy-eight

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They're at the station with everybody else after learning there are two more vials that are somewhere out there.

"All right, everybody, listen up." Jules orders.

"Give us your attention, please." Lassie demands.

"Attention." Jules calls.

"Eyes on Detective O'Hara." Lassie states.

"This is Dr. Anthony Mallon." Jules shows a picture on the screen. "Finding him is the department's number one priority."

"Find him but do not confront him." Lassie says.

"Yes, thank you, detective. Do not confront him." Jules says. "If you do locate him--"

"Call for backup."

"Thank you again, detective. Do not startle him."

"He is carrying a very dangerous--"

"Virus!" Jules urgently cuts in. Vanessa gives her friend a thumbs up.

"If I may, detective." Dr. Reidman walks over. "Locating and bringing him in safely is crucial. And keep in mind the best place for Mallon to release her is in a public crowded place, preferably with a lot of people coming and going frequently."

Gus raises his hand.

"Yes?" Dr. Reidman asks.

"Her?" Gus questions.

"Thornburg." Dr. Reidman says.

"You refer to the virus in the feminine tense?" Gus asks.

"Indeed. If you knew her as I do, there's no mistaking her for anything other than a she." Dr. Reidman says.

"That doesn't make any sense." Gus says.

"Neither do women." Dr. Reidman remarks.

"I hear that." Gus nods.

"I'm getting something." Shawn says. "Uh, I think I know what the next target might be. I see the bus station... and the Santa Barbara public theatre."

"Both of those targets would work because both have heavy foot traffic. But I would bet on the bus station because there's greater population turnover." Dr. Reidman says.

"All right, everybody, you heard him. Let's--" Jules says.

"Let's move!" Lassie yells out, annoying Jules once again.

"Excuse me." Dr. Reidman walks up to the trio. "You say you divined this psychically?"

"That's right." Shawn nods.

"Fascinating. If you should pass away, I would love to dissect your temporal lobe." Dr. Reidman says.

"Sure. I can't possibly see why not." Shawn says. "But I'm hoping you get us all through this thing alive."

"Yes, in that case, I would love to get my hands on a sample of your DNA." Dr. Reidman says.

"Weird. Uncomfortable. Consider it done." Shawn says.

"Wha--" Vanessa looks at him with an incredulous look.

"You know, I'm actually the brains behind this operation, so you might want to get mine." Gus says.

"I could care less about your secretions." Dr. Reidman says. "However, I would love to get my craniometer around that giant raisinet of yours. Or is a goober? Possibly a milk ball. And you--"

"You are not touching me or getting anything from me." Vanessa states and Dr. Reidman walks away.

"I say milk ball. It's milk ball." Shawn says, Vanessa nodding in agreement.

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