chapter sixty-nine

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"How do you not have a black suit? What grown man doesn't own a black suit?" Gus questions as the trio walk into the church for the funeral service.

"Besides me, The Joker, Colonel Sanders, Matthew McConaughey." Shawn lists.

"McConaughey doesn't count. He doesn't own a shirt." Gus says.

"He doesn't need a shirt." Shawn comments.

"Very true." Vanessa agrees.

"You know that's right." Gus says. The trio stop.

"I thought I was the only one in this group attracted to guys." Vanessa slightly teases.

"Sit down." Gus whispers, the three sitting in one of the front pews. The two follow Gus' gaze to two of his former college buddies.

"So that's them, huh?" Shawn asks.

"Yes, unfortunately." Gus says.

"Come on, man, it's been ten years. Can't you guys just hug it out?" Shawn asks.

"No, Shawn, and for the last time, I'm here to say one final goodbye to Leonard. He was a good friend. And then that's it -- we're out." Gus states.

"Okay, okay. Say goodbye and we're gone. Understood." Vanessa says.

"Thanks for coming." Gus tells them.

"Of course." Vanessa gives him a comforting smile.

"Yeah." Shawn whispers.

"Dearly beloved, we gather here today not to mourn a death but to celebrate... a life." The minister says.

"Can I give an amen if the preacher guy asks for it?" Shawn whispers.

"Of course. But wait for it." Gus says.

"Okay." Shawn nods.

"Leonard Callahan, or Diddle, as he was known to those closest to him..." The minister continues.

"Diddle?" Shawn and Vanessa chorus.

"We all had nicknames." Gus says.

"Was tragically taken from us by a hit and run driver. But we know Diddle is in a better place now. Diddle is in a better place now. Can I get an amen?"

"Amen." People chorus throughout the church.

"And he continues to live in our hearts."

"Hallelujah!" Shawn stands up. Gus yanks him back down.

"Sit down." Gus hisses.

"Got caught up in the moment." Shawn whispers. He glances at Vanessa who is pressing her lips together to not laugh.

"Would you--" Gus whispers.

"I was in the moment." Shawn whispers.

A small laugh escapes Vanessa and she covers it up with a cough.

"Quiet time." Vanessa whispers.

"What am I, one of your children?" Shawn whispers back.

"Well, you sure act like them sometimes." Vanessa retorts.

"And now, in light of his... home going service, Leonard's former bandmates from college would like to dedicate a special song to his memory."

"Ha. He was in a band. That's cool." Shawn comments, Vanessa nodding in agreement. "What are you doing?" He asks as Gus gets up. Vanessa sees Gus' former two friends also walk up to the stage.

"To pay my respects. Be quiet." Gus whispers, walking up to the stage.

"Get back here!" Shawn whispers.

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