016. tears for fears

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They're in the blueberry and Gus parks at the beach, across from Henry's house.

"Are we there yet? I feel like I've been incarcerated in a blueberry." Nigel complains. All three friends are very annoyed at this point.

"Shawn." Gus calls.

"This car makes me want to weep and then die." Nigel says.

"I know somebody making me feel like that right now." Vanessa grumbles.

"Shawn!" Gus yells.

"Nigel, you asked for a safe house where absolutely no one can find you. That means we have to venture off the beaten bath just a little. Relax." Shawn says.

They all get out of the car and stand on the driver's side of it, looking at Henry's house.

"Good Lord! Who lives here? The Boringtons?" Nigel asks.

"There's a better than decent chance this goes poorly." Shawn tells his friends.

"I don't care. I'm starving." Gus says, walking towards the house.


It's nighttime now and the four are sitting at the table in Henry's house. Nigel is wearing a plush white robe when Henry walks in with a platter of steaks, beginning to serve them.

"All right, gentlemen, lady. Prepare to taste the most succulent, evenly marinated beef that you have ev... is that my robe?" Henry asks, seeing what Nigel is wearing.

"It is indeed, Horace. And it is comforting me at an elite spa level. I think I should also point out that I'm absolutely famished and those filets actually smell promising." Nigel says.

"Sweet." Shawn says.

"That's what I'm talking about." Gus says, taking some steak sauce from Shawn.

"It's Henry. They're ribeyes." Henry says, dropping a steak onto Nigel's plate wo stares at him. "Is there a problem?"

"Well, look at it. It's still got the marks where the jockey was hitting it." Nigel says.

"This is gonna be a long night, huh?" Vanessa awkwardly chuckles.

~ ~ ~

They're sitting at the table, Shawn and Gus on one side, Henry and Nigel across from them, and Vanessa is at the head of the table, between Henry and Shawn. Henry pauses eating, seeing Nigel staring at him.

"Nose hair trimmer. Invest." Nigel says.

"Can you even remember what if felt like to be able to move the muscles in your face?" Henry asks.

"Who decorated this place? Kris Kristofferson?" Nigel asks.

"Is that... damn!" Gus gets up from the table.

"I built that table." Henry says.

"Really? I'm pretty sure if I were to build a table, I would start by using wood that had never drifted." Nigel says.

"All right, you know... that's it." Henry says.

"Already? I'm just getting started. I've got a sonnet for each piece of fish paraphernalia." Nigel says.

"Oh, yeah? Well, I got an ice cold can of whip-ass just sitting in that fridge!" Henry exclaims.

"Actually, that's diet whip-ass." Shawn says.

Gus returns with a plate of corn on the cob. Shawn reaches for a cob, but Gus slaps his hand away.

"You must be out your damn mind!" Gus states.

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