036. fluffy hair

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Shawn is driving the golf cart with Gus next to him and Zachary between them and Vanessa is in the back with her daughters, Shawn driving around a studio lot.

"I don't think we're allowed to be on one of these things, Shawn." Gus says.

"If they didn't want us to drive it, why did they leave the key under the seat?" Shawn ask.s

"This is not how I wanna be spending my Saturday morning." Gus says.

"Yeah, I don't think my kids weekend needs to start with a case, Shawn." Vanessa objects.

"Hey, that's on your mom. She shouldn't be out of town." Shawn says making Vanessa roll her eyes.

"She's a free woman. She can do what she wants." Vanessa says.

"And she should want to stay in town so she can babysit when needed." Shawn says.

"Can we get back to the original argument here?" Gus asks.

"Dudes, Lassie called, man. He called us. Us, the team! Besides, this is a real, live television studio, guys. What could be better?" Shawn asks.

"We get to see a TV show?" Cassandra asks.

"Yes indeedy, Cass." Shawn answers.

"Cool." The girl grins.

"See, she's on board." Shawn says.

"Eating my breakfast could be better. I was having a poached egg with Hollandaise sauce on an English muffin." Gus says.

"Gross." Zachary scrunches his nose up in distaste. Gus looks at him in offense as Vanessa laughs. "You should invest in Lucky Charms. They're much better."

"Why does a six year old know the word "invest"?" Gus asks.

"Because you're his uncle." Vanessa tells Gus.

"Look, we'll solve it up quick. You'll be back home in no time." Shawn says, putting his phone to his ear. "Hello?" he shuts the phone. "Dame Judi Dench called. She wants her breakfast back." He says making Vanessa let out a small giggle.

"Did you just do the "Somebody called and wants their something back" bit?" Gus asks.

"Look, around, Gus. These are my people." Shawn says.

"Who are your people?" Gus asks.

"These people. Artists, thinkers, dreamers, guys dressed as toast. Now, if I were a crime scene, where would I be?" Shawn asks. "Here I am." He pulls up to the set that has an ambulance and police car outside.

They walk onto a set that looks like a wealthy home where Lassiter and Juliet are interviewing witnesses and a dead body is on the floor. Vanessa left her kids near the door, telling them to not look towards the set.

"Hey, I know this place. This is Corrine's living room." Gus says.

"Who the hell is Corrine?" Shawn asks.

"It's the living room from Explosion Gigantesca de Romance." Gus states.

"What are you saying?" Shawn asks.

"Explosion what?" Vanessa questions.

"It's a Spanish soap opera." Gus informs.

"How do you know that? Who are you? What happened to our best friend?" Shawn asks.

"Yeah, since when do you watch soap operas?" Vanessa asks.

"Oh, my gosh! Lassiter's talking to Jorge Gama-Lobo. He plays Vicente on the show. He's my favorite. He slept with Mariana at his own mother's funeral, Shawn." Gus says.

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