011. naked men

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Gus and Vanessa enter the station as Shawn is guessing stuff about people. They see Lassiter and the chief talking just inside her office, Vick not looking very happy. Vick goes into her office and Lassiter looks towards Shawn.

"Shawn. Shawn." Gus loudly whispers.

"Hey, Spencer." Lassiter calls

"Lassie-face!" Shawn calls, the four of them meeting midway.

"Got the perfect case for you guys." Lassiter says, handing Shawn a file.

"I'm sorry. You're saying that you want our help?" Shawn asks.

"Yeah." Lassiter nods.

"Are you sick?" Vanessa asks.

"No." Lassiter rolls his eyes.

"What's the catch?" Shawn asks.

"There's no catch. It's just right up your alley. I could really use your insights on this one. Guy's waiting to give you a statement. Interrogation room B. Make me proud." Lassiter walks away.

"Did we enter a different universe? Or is he possessed or something?" Vanessa asks.

"What does that sound like to you?" Gus asks.

"Opportunity." Shawn states.

"No." Gus objects.

"You think Lassiter is just gonna hand us over a case?" Gus asks as they walk to the interrogation room. "Let's think about this for a minute."

"Gus, come on. We're going to roll up our sleeves, we're going to get a little bit dirty, and we're going to do some old-fashioned police work." Shawn states. "Come on, this is like In the Heat of the Night. Which makes me Carroll O'Connor."

"No, that means you're Rod Steiger. That way, I'm Sidney Poitier." Gus says.

"You know that's right." Shawn says, both guys grinning.

"So, who am I, Lee Grant?" Vanessa asks.

"Yeah." The other two nod.

"So you two are law enforcement and I get a dead husband?" Vanessa asks.

"Yep. Let's go." Shawn opens the door to the interrogation room. "Oh! Boy..." They see the suspect sitting down naked with clothes, shoes, and a towel on the table next to him.

"Oh!" Vanessa exclaims, shutting her eyes and turning her head away.

"Wow. Looks like somebody beat us to the rolling up the sleeves." Shawn says, standing sideways so he's not facing the man.

"I see the catch now." Vanessa states.

"No." Gus states, starting to leave.

"What are you doing?" Shawn asks.

"What?" Gus asks.

"This is our case." Shawn whispers.

"He's naked." Gus whispers back.

"Yeah, we see that." Vanessa whispers, her back to the guy as she looks between her two friends.

"We've got to work the room." Shawn whispers.

"I'm going to work it from the outside." Gus states.

"You're gonna work it from in here. Now shut the door."

"I'm working it from outside." Vanessa whispers, starting to leave, but Shawn yanks her back.

"You're staying, too." Shawn whispers.

Vanessa groans quietly as Shawn walks closer to the table. Gus shuts the door, looking out the window on the door and Vanessa stands next to him, facing him, her side leaning against the wall.

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