chapter eighty-two

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The trio get to the crime scene and out of the car, walking over to Lassie and Buzz.

"Spencer-- keep your pie hole shut until I assess my crime scene." Lassie orders.

"Nothing shuts my pie hole but pie." Shawn says. They get the car out of the water and on the ground.

"Come on." Lassie and Buzz walk over to it.

"We're gonna have to get close enough to that body to get a reading." Shawn says.

"Why do you need to get a reading off a soggy corpse? Why can't you just point at it from here? Or touch the car instead? Why don't you get a reading off of that bird over there?" Gus asks as they walk to the car.

"All right, this vehicle matches the description of the one  our missing person was last seen in." Lassie says.

"Copy." Buzz says.

"Stop saying copy." Lassie demands.

"Roger." Buzz says.

Lassie puts gloves on and reaches in, taking a wallet out.

"Victim was identified as... Desiree Blake." Lassie says. "Rained last night, right?"


"She took this curb too fast, lost control, went down the embankment, drowned in the car. Put time of death as sometime yesterday on the 12th."

"She wasn't in the car alone. We're on." Shawn quietly tells the two. "Lassie... I'm afraid we don't have an accidental drowning here. Our Desiree Blake was murdered."

"You are so predictable, Spencer." Lassie scoffs.

"As predictable as your next date ending with the words, "I hope this never happens to someone else"?" Shawn asks. Buzz laughs and Vanessa snorts. Shawn smiles a little as Lassie glares between the two.

"Spencer, stop wasting my time. You know how this works. You want in, you make your case to your father who's done nothing by say no to you ever since he was made head of the consultants -- thank God." Lassie says, him and Buzz walking off.

"I'd be lying if I said I like having to ask my dad for case assignments." Shawn says. "I'd also be lying if I said Val Kilmer still looks like Val Kilmer."

"I still have hope." Gus shrugs.

"Me too." Shawn says. "We gotta convince Lassie to put us on this case."

"Uh, you two have to do that. I don't have time." Gus says. "My new tap class starts in half an hour."

"Hey, hey, hey, hey. You're really taking... tap?" Shawn asks. "That wasn't just a bit we were doing?"

"Dude, I'm doing something for myself, getting back to things I love." Gus says.

"For a brief period in '93, I was known as DJ Cold Cuts. Now, do you see me dusting off my turntables and playing The Curves downtown?" Shawn asks.

"The Curves burnt down last year." Gus says.

"No wonder they won't return my calls." Shawn says.

"I'll see you guys after class." Gus says, walking away.

"Can you believe this?" Shawn asks Vanessa.

"Yes. He likes tap dancing, so what?" Vanessa shrugs.

"What? It's tap dancing. It's... boring." Shawn says.

"It's actually pretty fun sometimes." Vanessa argues. "Besides, the twins take tap."

"How would you know?" Shawn asks.

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