001. new job

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Vanessa O'Brien jumps hearing her front door open, holding the 1 year old in her arms closer to her. She gets a baseball bat, holding it out, relaxing when her two childhood friends, Shawn Spencer and Burton Guster, walk in.

"Oh, jeez. What the hell you two? You can't just walk in somebody's house like that." Vanessa says, putting the bat down.

"We have keys." Shawn says, holding the said object up.

"What? Who gave you keys?" Vanessa asks.

"I stole yours when you first got the house and made two copies." Shawn says, shrugging like it's nothing.

"Well, then give some warning nex time." Vanessa says.

"Yeah, sure." Shawn dismisses and she knows he won't. "I have a job for us."

"I already have a job." Vanessa says.

"Oh, yeah, waitress getting minimum wage while being a single mother to three children. That's great." Shawn says.

"Cause you're doing any better?" Vanessa asks.

"Touche. But, you're gonna like this job. It's our dream childhood job." Shawn says.

"Becoming a mermaid?" Vanessa asks.

"Okay, the realistic one." Shawn says.

"Trophy wife." Vanessa snaps her fingers.

"Uh-- no. That was a dream job?" Shawn asks.

"Sounded appealing when I was 7." Vanessa says.

"Okay, look, 6 days ago, Camden McCallum Jr.,sole male heir to the McCallum Textiles, was seen being forced into his Range Rover at the municipal dog park. No one has seen him or the dog since." Shawn informs.

"So?" Vanessa asks. "Sounds like something for the cops."

"Yeah, see, about that... the cops kinda think I'm a psychic so we have to help with the case." Shawn tells her.

"Excuse me?" Vanessa asks.

"And we're going to open up our own private detective agency so you can quit your sucky job at the diner." Shawn smiles.

"Has he lost it?" Vanessa asks her other friend.

"I think so." Gus nods.

"What sick person takes a dog?" Vanessa mumbles.

"So, you in?" Shawn asks.

"In case you haven't already realized, I have a one year old on my hip who I can't exactly leave alone. Or take her with us. Oh, and also, have to pick up my two 5 year olds from school in about a couple hours." Vanessa says.

"Have your mom watch them." Shawn says.

"My mom is not a babysitter at my command. I can't just go over to her house and dump my children on her." Vanessa says.

"Sure you can." Shawn says.

"Well, I'm not going to." Vanessa says. Shawn pulls his phone out, dialling a number. "Who are you calling?" Shawn holds his finger up as he puts the phone to his ear.

"Hi, Mrs. O'Brien." Shawn greets. Vanessa's eyes widen and she tries to reach for the phone, but he swats her hand away. "Yeah, so I kinda need Nessa for something. Would it be possible for you to watch the baby and pick the twins up from school in a few hours?"

"Of course. I'd love to." Amanda O'Brien's voice sunds cheerful.

"Great. We'll drop Madison off in about 20 minutes." Shawn hangs up, smiling at his female friend. "Problem solved."

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