089. curt smith

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"As you can see, we have the body of our victim from the park right here." Woody motions to the table. "And right here we have Ms. Miller and Mr. Hodges." He points to the two photos.

"What about that one?" Lassie asks, pointing to another photo.

"Oh, that's a photo my 15 year old daughter's taken for her photography class." Woody smiles.

"Is that dead person you?" Declan asks.

"Very observant. Yes. It's amazing what just a... really... a little ketchup and baby powder can do." Woody says. "Anyway, I think that I agree with Declan's theory that these are all mercy killings."

"What? Look, Woody, we're just looking for the facts here." Shawn says.

"Since when?" Gus questions.

"You see, each of these victims was suffering from a life threatening disease. Cirrhosis and advanced hepatitis, respectively, and Mrs. Friedman here was suffering from Wilson's Disease." Woody says.

"Wilson's Disease?" Shawn asks. "You are never allowed to mock me for listening to those books again." He whispers to Gus. "I'm getting something." He announces, doing his usual routine.

"What is it?" Vanessa asks.

"Those were not mercy killings." Shawn states. 


"I don't know what in Sam's hell this has to do with a transplant list, but I'm fairly certain it's a waste of time." Lassie says.

"I say we trust Shawn's instincts on this one." Declan says.

"Said the liar." Shawn quips.

"Dude." Vanessa mumbles.

"He was supporting you." Gus says.

"Really? Guess I jumped the gun." Shawn shrugs.

"Excuse me, Detective? I believe this is what you were asking for." A nurse gives Lassie a file. "It's a list of all of the people in the area waiting for a liver transplant."

"Oh, crap." Lassie groans.

"What?" Jules asks.

"Look at the first three names." Lassie gives her the paper.

"Peter Hodges, Veronica Miller, Lucy Friedman." She lists the names off.

"Someone could be killing people off to move up the list." Vanessa says.

"Exactly." Shawn states. "Nice try, though, buddy." He tells Declan.

"Just out of curiosity, who's the next person in line?" Declan asks.

"Catherine Bicks." Jules states.

"Age?" He asks.

"35." Jules says. "She totally matches your profile."

"Well done, Declan." Lassie says.

""Well done, Declan"? Since when do you use first names?" Shawn questions.

"We need to track this girl down." Lassie states, the group starting to walk off.

"Hey, I'm the one that came up with the list thing!" Shawn calls after them.

"Good work, Shawn." Declan comments.

"Shut up, Declan." Shawn sneers to himself.


Gus, Vanessa, and Tobias get to the office.

"Please tell me you did not sleep here again last night." Gus says.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05 ⏰

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