chapter forty-nine

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They climb through a window in Hicks' house, but the window falls on Gus' legs as he's halfway through.

"Shawn. Nessa." Gus calls, making them turn to him.

"Oh, uh, I'm sorry, buddy." Shawn says. Vanessa lifts the window and Gus finishes climbing through. "There we go. Right in there. Ow." Shawn says as Gus' foot knocks into his leg. Vanessa slides the window shut.

"Wow, looks like Hicks' obsession with safety did not extend to his colon." Shawn says as they look around the living room that's covered in junk food and pizza boxes.

"Vick will go ballistic if she ever found out we broke in here." Gus says.

"We did not break in. The window was open already." Shawn says.

"What the heck are we looking for anyway?" Gus asks.

"Anything Hicks may have received with the threat of violence. Correspondence, angry phone messages, mash notes." Shawn says.

"Mash notes are love letters, Shawn." Gus says.

"Really?" Shawn asks. "remind me. I owe someone a huge apology."

"Let's start with this computer." Gus says, pointing to the computer in front of him. "I guess I have to break the passcode."

"Panther21." Shawn states.

"Panther21?" Gus asks.

"Just try it." Shawn says. Gus types it in and is granted access.

"That's it."


"You got all that just from putting together things from around the room?"

"No, it was written on the bottom of the computer. I saw it in the reflection of the CD case."

"All right, almost all of his recent emails are from someone called Bishop77." Gus informs, him and Vanessa staying at the computer while Shawn looks around. ""Why haven't you called me back?" "The situation on the rig is getting more serious every day." "Why are you ignoring me?" Dude, listen to this one. "If you won't do something about this, I'll go to the authorities.""

"Dudes, you know what this means? Bishop77 is the anonymous tipster, not Hicks." Shawn states.

"And if we could figure out who he is, we could find out what's really going on out on that rig." Gus says.

"And who killed Hicks, and why. Bishop77. He's Catholic, or he plays chess."

"I got it. I got it. A guy at work showed me how to take an email address and gets its owner's real name. I'll start by using an email header to trace back to the original IP address--"

"Dude, just do it." Vanessa says, looking over to see Gus sniffing Shawn. "What the hell are you doing?" Gus doesn't answer her, sniffing Shawn more.

"Dear God, what are you doing?" Shawn asks.

"Shawn, what did I tell you about eating onions during lunch?" Gus asks. "It makes your breath stink. That's why I bought you those mints." Gus says as Shawn smells his breath. "Use them."

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