chapter eighty-three

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Vanessa, Shawn, Gus, and one of their friends walk over to Henry's desk at the station. Vanessa glances around, not having been here much since her dad passed away last year.

Henry hangs up his phone as they get to his desk.

"All right, what are you four doing here?" Henry asks. "Aren't you supposed to be in school?"

"Yeah, well, we came to see that UFO you cleared from that field this morning." Shawn says.

"You mean the weather balloon." Henry says.

"They got to him." Dennis says.

"Who got to me, Dennis?" Henry asks.

"The secret government agency in charge of extraterrestrial cover-ups." Dennis explains. Gus slams his hand on the desk.

"How much are they paying you?" He demands.

"All right, that's enough, guys. Back to school -- now." Henry orders.

"Do you think this is a game, Mr. Spencer? I assure you, it's not." Dennis says. "Inside that grounded Cassiopeian death pod sits an army of Glornokian mercenaries intent on colonizing our planet and propagating their evil species."

"After they probe us." Shawn adds. Dennis takes a  couple hits of his inhaler. Henry stands up, squaring his shoulders, and glaring at them. "We should go. He's packing." Shawn says, grabbing Vanessa's wrist and yanking her after him, Gus and Dennis following.

"There are no such things as UFOs, Shawn." Henry calls.

present day

"An alien came down and snatched a young lawyer that works at my firm -- Toby Shore." The man states.

"Mr. Kessler, no offense, but I think you're gonna have a hard time finding anyone to believe a story like that." Henry says.

"Was he tall and scaly or short with a huge lollipop head?" Shawn asks as he, Vanessa, and Gus walk up.

"Tall, I think." Mr. Kessler says.

"Reptilian." Gus says.

"Probably hostile." Shawn adds. "All right, people, we're gonna need a speak and spell and seven pounds of mashed potatoes."

"Enough!" Lassie exclaims. "Mr. Kessler, if your co-worker doesn't show up in the next eight hours, feel free to file a missing persons report. Until then, stop wasting our time." He tells the man and puts his sunglasses back on. "You owe me a new phone!" He tells Shawn.

Shawn gives his father a look of betrayal.

"Told you not to let him know." Vanessa whispers.

"You have a very nice home." Jules tells Mr. Kessler before following the two men to the car.

"This UFO, was it more like a bright sphere or two soup bowls glued together?" Gus asks.

"No, it was a sphere. Definitely." Mr. Kessler nods. "What are you guys? Are you UFO chasers?"

"Nothing as ridiculous as that. We're psychic detectives." Shawn informs.

"And we can help you get to the bottom of what happened last night." Vanessa says.

"Ah, fantastic. You're hired." Mr. Kessler tells them, shaking Gus' hand.

"Shawn!" Henry calls. "May I have a word?"

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