chapter thirty-eight

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"There's a body in a service elevator?" Gus asks as the trio walk down the sidewalk.

"No bodies." Shawn answers.

"A dogfighting ring?"


"A missing snowman?"

"Yes, a snowman is missing, but we're not on that case. Relax." Shawn tells Gus.

"I wanna be on that case." Vanessa pouts.

"I am not working." Gus states.

"I know you aren't." Shawn says.

"I do not work on my birthday." Gus says.

"I think you've made your position clear on that."

"Then tell me where we're going."

"That's not how a surprise works."

They stop in front of a club that's holding a private party, complete with a red carpet and velvet rope.

"Happy birthday, dude." Shawn says. "Welcome to the fall line launch party for Ciao clothing. Gorgeous models, fake celebrities. No food, though."

"No food? What the hell, Shawn? You promised me food." Vanessa objects.

"Right." Shawn reaches into his pocket, pulling out a bag of crushed pretzels. "They got a little smushed." He says making the blonde roll her eyes.

"This is the most exclusive event of the year. What's the rub?" Gus asks. They walk up to a man who is holding a clipboard and he has an ear piece in.

"I think you're in the wrong line there, gentlemen." The guy says, giving them a once over.

"I think we're on the VIP list." Shawn says.

"Names?" The guy asks.

"Black--" Shawn wraps his arm around Vanessa's shoulders. "--and Tan."

"First names?" The guy asks.

"No first names. Two of us are Black, and one of us is Tan. We're a modeling team. Perhaps you've heard of us." Shawn says.

"Why do two of us have the same last name?" Vanessa mumbles to her friend.

"Let's just go." Gus says.

"We're retired. Just check your list." Shawn says and the guy does so.

"Holy crap, it is you. Sorry for the mix up, Tan." The man says, unclipping the rope to let them pass.

"I beg your pardon? My name is Black. His name is Tan. She's the other Black -- wife. I can't believe you just made that assumption. You should be ashamed of yourself and your family."

They go inside.

"First you lie to me about food and then you make me your wife?" Vanessa asks. "A good husband would give me food, FYI."

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