chapter fifty-one

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Gus pulls up to the bank, Shawn in the passenger seat. Vanessa and the twins are in the backseat while Madison is at a playdate.

Once Gus parks, Shawn leans his seat back a bit.

"You're not coming in? You're gonna make me stand in that deposit line all by myself?" Gus asks.

"No, buddy, I will be with you in spirit, like a tiny wood nymph." Shawn says.

"Vanessa?" Gus turns to her.

"Why would I willingly go into a bank when I don't have to?" Vanessa asks.

"I'll go." Zachary raises his hand.

"Uh... how controlled is he in public settings?" Gus asks.

"He follows rules." Vanessa answers. "Just let him go. You'll both be fine."

"Can I go too?" Cassandra asks.

"As long as Uncle Gus is okay with it." Vanessa says and both twins immediately look to their uncle.

"Fine." Gus says making the two children high five each other.

"What's your glitch with the ATM machine, anyway?" Shawn asks Gus.

"It's a people thing, Shawn. Business should always be done face-to-face." Gus states.

"Well, if you remember, I'm holding a bit of a grudge against this particular banking institution." Shawn states.

"Why? Because they turned you down for a small business loan last year?" Gus asks.

"Yes, because they turned me down for a small business loan. That was completely legitimate, Gus." Shawn says.

"Shawn, it was for a zipline pulley system to transport snacks from the kitchen to your desk." Gus says.

"Or the reception area." Shawn says.

"I honestly think it was a brilliant plan." Vanessa says.

"Thank you." Shawn tells her. "What's your point?" He asks Gus.

"Part of running a business together, Shawn, is sharing in the responsibilities of the "business" side of the business, like making deposits." Gus says.

"What about the "bidnizz" side? Cause I feel like I'm more of a "bidnizz" man. Who's covering that?" Shawn asks.

"You know what? Fine. I'll do it myself. And babysit while I'm at it, apparently." Gus says.

"You coulda said "no." But you already said "yes," so now you can't say "no."" Vanessa says.

"Come on, you two." Gus says, getting out.

"Bye, mommy." Cassandra kisses Vanessa's cheek.

"Bye, mom." Zachary bids, getting out of the car, Cassandra following.

"Be good. Listen to Uncle Gus." Vanessa tells them. They nod as Cassandra shuts the door, both rushing over to Gus, the three heading inside.

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